Things that make you go humm...


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2004
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I know I'm about to start a crazy topic here but can't hurt to throw ideas about can it? :smile:
I have a few things that I been wanting to share but I guess this is agood as place as any to put this thread seeing that it is Fraggle related so here goes.

Gobo and Travleing Matt.

I got the impression that Travleing Matt wasn't suctally Gobo's uncle at all but auctally his father has anyone else had this idea or is it just me? :confused:


baby sinclair

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2002
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Its just you,although i have wonderd why we never see the fraggles parents.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2002
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I think Gobo's parents were killed in a cave-in. Yeah. Yeah, I'm stickin' with that.

...... and Philo and Gunge are really Doc & Sprocket from another place in time! Ooogie booogie booo!!!! :smirk: :excited:



Well-Known Member
May 15, 2005
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Innterrressting theory, Nick. ^_^
I have my own theory, which will be explained whenever I right that sequel to 'De-Sided', but basically I think that most of the parents come from different fraggles groups int he rock, since you notice most of those are around the same age. Except for a few. Maybe other places are too crowded to support so many fraggles, so they left to live in 'Fraggle Rock' for a while, but when the fraggles were old enough to care for themselves, they left to go back where they came from. Its just an idea of course..


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2004
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Interesting Foodie and Emo: I wouldn't mind seeing those theories be turned into fics someday if anyone feels brave enogh to pull it off. :wink:

I had thought Mokey and Red's parents were killed in some kind of .. well I was goign to say war, but something to that nature, and been together since they were children kind of raised each other.

I think Wembley was sort of adopted by all the Fraggles never really had ' one set of parents ' to raise him. I know this might sound a little off the wall but I think he lived with Boober before he decided to stay with Gobo after his Uncle Matt went to outerspace. Only sounds logicial to me. What happened to his parents is a mystery well for me anyway. ( Ever noticed how the Wizard and Wembley almost look excatly alike? * thinks * )

Boober I think once had a mother who looked after him, she was very much like him personality wise with al the doom and gloom and paranoia. ( Probably where he got it from. ) I had thought he was born in a soap bubble would explaine his love for lawndrey and being in soapy water.

Gobo I still believe this and I'm sticking with i\the idea of T.M. being his real father as for his mother, I was going to say she might have died trying to give birth to him, but for those who might be offended about the idea ofpregancy I can say that she was killed in a cave in, either way she did die. * sad *


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2002
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Heh heh, the trouble with all of our " Dead Parent " theories is that they don't quite fit the whole.... feel of Fraggledom. I'm more inclined to think that all of the fraggles' parents are alive and well and have just not shown up on camera. The only reason why I think Gobo's parents being dead may work into the Fraggle Continuity is because he lives/lived with and worshipped his Uncle.

The main thing that bugs me about all of the " serious " story ideas for the whereabouts of the fraggles' parents is that it's too human. I'd like to think there are greater differences in fraggle society that aren't so coincidentally & conveniantly similar to human or, rather, silly-creature society. For instance, I used to sometimes envision Red's parents as divorced. However, something in me tells me that things like divorce are totally foreign concepts to fraggles. Fraggles are just too pure for " grown-up " things like that.

... But then, maybe it's like Star Wars and Gobo's real father turns out to be Darth Doozer and Matt was just Gobo's adoptive uncle. :wink:

Nick :smirk:


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2004
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Well I once had the ideas on the some of the Fraggles being married, but now that I look back on it. Marrage couldn't work beceause they seem to have a hippie type community if you know what I mean. :wink: So marrage and devorce would be out.
Um... yeah I can see your point Foodie, about if the're was death it would make them too human. I just like putting a little realisum into their world so they son't seem too cartoonie. :concern:
Gobo's father being Darth Doozer that would be fummy to imagine. Either that or disturbing. :cool: But that would work with my JR fic Who is Gobo's son in my fics. He worships Doozers. : p I know I'm off the wall but what else is new.

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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In my mind's eye, the Fraggles are like gargoyles.

Hear me out, okay?

In the cartoon television series produced by Disney, gargoyles were hatched from eggs just like Fraggles. Each gargoyle clan had a rookery, or a nesting area where the eggs were sheltered, and since the eggs were laid at relatively the same time they would hatch at about the same time, ensuring that all of the gargoyles of that generation were relatively close in age. Additionally, individual gargoyle children weren't recognized by their parents; all members of the clan took a hand in raising the hatchlings to adulthood. And while members of a rookery generation would refer to each other as "sister" or "brother", there was no blood relation between any of the hatchlings.

So, if that worked for gargoyles, why couldn't it work for Fraggles? Somewhere in Fraggle Rock (or other Fraggle communities around the world), there's one rookery-like area where all the eggs are kept. A new generation of Fraggles would hatch at the same time, usually within one to two days of each other, and were raised communally by the adults of the Rock. Some young Fraggles, like Gobo, would refer to adult Fraggles by familiar terms like "Uncle", but there would rarely be no blood meaning behind it. This would explain why the parents of the Fraggle Five are never shown, and why Red and Mokey or Gobo and Wembley have their own caves instead of living with their families.



Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Interesting, that would make a lot of sense. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Aparently, it is totally cannon that Fraggle hatch from Eggs. Not sure where this comes from, but I heard it somplace.