I wouldn't even give it the satisfaction of adding that to my "watched" list. I have to admit, a lot of these bad films at least have a morbid curiosity factor. I've been working up the nerve to watch a few minutes of Foodfight without commentary, but can't get through the trailer without slowly melting like on of the Nazis at the end of Raiders of the Lost Arc. But Heroes of Color City doesn't even look like a
fun bad. Just a poor quality, uninteresting bad. I'd love to see this wind up on the "So Bad It's Horrible" or something on TVTropes (doesn't even have a page yet).
Though I'm kinda annoyed that it's ratings aren't much lower. Seems the reviews are more that this is mediocre (an overused word that means just below average, everyone uses it for terrible or "did not meet my satisfaction") than truly awful. It's a shame that this thing has some strong voice acting talent that's going to waste. Stuff like this
really deserves the cast of Garsey's Wing. Loud and flat.
Going back on topic, here's another classic show ruined by CGI where most of the characters
don't look the same!
Yeah. What's the point of that? Bananas was only worth while as a live action show, as stupid as it was (mostly on purpose). While I do think the era of the guys in large, ugly, cheap suits has long been over, making it CGI is hardly "updating" it. It's just dragging it out for a new generation to ignore and have it fall through the cracks. I don't think anyone
really wants a B in P revival. I don't even think anyone's going to even fess up to growing up with it non-ironically. And we're getting the crowd that happily states they grew up with Barney.