With all due respect, you get we're making jokes, right?
Anyway, I even feel that the non-union freelancers that were mostly employed by 4Kids are far too good for the Studio Brinquendo films. Say what you will about 4Kids, their shows were never dubbed wooden. And they really managed to shine on shows like Ultimate Muscle, TMNT2k3, and their sadly short lived Funky Cops dub (there's a new dub, but it's hardly as funny or hammy). In their case, the voice acting jobs aren't that easy to come by. I recall going to a convention panel hosted by one of them and he was talking about how they have to get any voice acting work they can. Especially, and this got a real chuckle from me, Turkish soap operas dubbed for local New York television.
Things are slightly different for the union Californian voice actors. They're probably a little more selective. Jess does a crapload of voices. I'm only going on the thinnest possible knowledge here. But it's still sad to see some wasted talent.