The "What Commercial was that?!" Thread

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I just found this commercial that I had asked about some time ago.

There's a commercial I'm remembering for a shoe brand, but can't remember what the shoe brand was.

The commercial aired around Christmas 1994. A kid/teenage boy is opening a present by the tree, I don't remember any parents being there when he does, and gets shoes. The announcer says, to the effect of, "Christmas is the time of year where you learn that giving is better than receiving. NOT!"
The commercial was for LA Gear.



Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Okay, does anybody remember this old Christmas commercial?

It started off with the camera panning to the right in a close up of nutcrackers. One faces the camera and then starts moving its mouth. I remember the ending had a shot of a nutcracker lying down and we were facing its left side and it was moving its mouth very fast.

Since I was afraid of nutcrackers at the time, it absolutely terrified me. I've been trying to find the commercial since.

It should be in between 1997-1999, I believe.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2003
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I am looking for a commercial that starts with a golfer who gets the ball in the hole, then the ball rolls under the ground of the golf course (the viewer can see a moving lump in the ground that shows where the ball is traveling), then the ball rolls through a pipe underwater (with a shark in front) then under the black-tiled floor of somebody's house, and at the end of the commercial the viewer sees the earth and from the moving lump flowing all over the earth, the viewer sees that the ball is traveling underground all around the world without stopping. If anybody can tell me what commercial that was and help me find it, I'd appreciate it.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I’m remembering a commercial from the late 1990s. The main thing I remember was that it featured a sports team, the coach told his players, in an angry tone, “we’re not here to have fun. We’re here to win! So win!” I’m thinking maybe it was in black and white. Since it features a sports team, I have a feeling it’s either for sports gear (maybe shoes) or an energy drink.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I'm remembering a commercial, I'm pretty sure TV Land aired it as a retromercial back in the 1990s, it has a father talking to his son about how he's doing poorly in math. The son points out better grades he got in other classes, the father remarks "yeah, but you've got to do good at math", and I think the boy also points out he didn't have any cavities or something.

And while we're on the subject of old commercials that aired as retromercials, and I'm sure I have seen it on YouTube in the past but now am having trouble finding it, there was a commercial with a woman I a sexy dress driving a car, I think to the beach, at the end she takes off her dress, showing her in her bikini, and when the logo is shown at the end, an animal is shown, making a roar-type sound. I'm thinking it's either a panther or a tiger or a jaguar. I know there was music playing, though I can't remember any lyrics (if any, but I'm sure there are lyrics).

And another one was for some kind of drink. A woman, in a seductive or sensual tone, says she wants a drink, when the announcer offers something, she says "but I want a real drink."

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I'm remembering a commercial from around 2000-2002. It was for either a computer or an electronics store.

A boy is shown offering trades with friends that they all rejects, they have something a lot more fun and desirable than he does. One of his offers is "I'll trade you this newspaper for that comic?", and at one point he gets out an oven mitt and tells a boy with a baseball mitt "I'll trade you mitts". But after all that, he offers to trade his old computer for a newer one, and the guy at the counter says "deal", before the commercial advertises a deal where a store will trade your old computer for an upgrade or something. And at the very end, after the point of the commercial is done, the boy brings in his sister and says, "I'll throw in my sister for a scanner!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Now here's a commercial I only saw once as a kid, but it definitely stuck with me after all of these years.


Blue Weirdo

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2004
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I remember this one commercial involving burgers but I can't recall which restaurant it was for. The scene was they had their burger next to the competitor's (again can't remember who) but, even though they said who's it was (though I don't remember) the other burger was blurred/pixelated over. The commercial went listing what toppings came on their burger one by one and that the competitor's also had each topping but then they get to the end and state that "Ours comes with cheese, theirs doesn't -cheese is extra" and they then explained that's why the competitor's burger was blurred out. Because "without cheese a burger just seems naked."