The "Talk like The Swedish Chef" Thread


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2012
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Thees is zee Mooppet Shoo zeeme-a in Svedeesh cheffspeek
(Translation: This is the Muppet Show theme in Swedish chefspeak)

♪ It's teeme-a tu pley zee moosic, it's teeme-a tu leeght zee leeghts, it's teeme-a tu meet zee Mooppets oon zee Mooppet Shoo tuneeght, ♪

♪ It's teeme-a tu poot oon mekeoop, it's teeme-a tu dress up reeght, it's teeme-a tu get theengs sterted oon zee Mooppet Shoo tuneeght. ♪

:sleep:: Vhy du ve-a ifee cume-a here-a?
:boo:: I goess ve-a'll nefer knoo
:sleep:: It's leeke-a sume-a keend ooff turtoore-a
:sleep: :boo:: Tu hefe-a tu vetch zee shoo

♪ It's teeme-a tu get theengs sterted ♫
(Vhy dun't yuoo get theengs sterted)
♪ It's teeme-a tu get theengs sterted oon zee must senseshunel, inspureshenel, celebreshunel, Moopeteshunel, Thees is vhet ve-a cell zee Mooppet Shoo ♪

Translations courtesy of The Swedish Chef translator website:

Piggy The Frog

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2012
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Vhy ere-a zeere-a su muny sungs ebuoot reeenboos
und vhet's oon zee oozeer seede-a?
Reeenboos ere-a feesiuns, boot oonly illooseeuns,
und reeenboos hefe-a nutheeng tu heede-a.
Su ve-a'fe-a beee tuld und sume-a chuuse-a tu beleeefe-a it.
I knoo zeey're-a vrung, veeet und see-a.
Sumedey ve-a'll feend it, zee reeenboo cunnecshun.
Zee lufers, zee dreemers und me-a.
Vhu seeed thet ifery veesh vuoold be-a heerd
und unsvered vhee veeshed oon zee murneeng ster?
Sumebudy thuooght ooff thet und sumeune-a beleeefed it.
Luuk vhet it's dune-a su fer.
Vhet's su emezeeng thet keeps us ster gezeeng
und vhet du ve-a theenk ve-a meeght see-a?
Sumedey ve-a'll feend it, zee reeenboo cunnecshun.
Zee lufers, zee dreemers und me-a.
Ell ooff us under its spell. Ve-a knoo thet it's prubebly megeec.
Hefe-a yuoo beee helff esleep und hefe-a yuoo heerd fueeces?
I'fe-a heerd zeem celleeng my neme-a.
Is thees zee sveet suoond thet celled zee yuoong seeelurs.
Zee fueece-a meeght be-a oone-a und zee seme-a.
I'fe-a heerd it tuu muny teemes tu ignure-a it.
It's sumetheeng thet I'm sooppused tu be-a.
Sumedey ve-a'll feend it, zee reeenboo cunnecshun.
Zee lufers, zee dreemers und me-a.
Bork Bork Bork!