We definitely need to have a "What Color Are There Hands Now?" category. Just a thought.
And a "Who's Your Tailor? I Love that outfit!" category!
Actually, kidding aside i do have a serious suggestion (since the categories are already set up for this year, this would be one for the files for 2010) - i would reccomend a "Most Valuable Insider" category for the following reasons:
- To encourage insider involvement
- We've been very fortunate since the forum started back in the original Delphi days to have some quality people involved here from Muppeteers to people working on products getting our feedback on how to make their lines better and those that really go above and beyond the call of duty to interact with us should be honored.
- The level of insight, information and value of participation insiders can provide is on a level of its own that is really seperate from the other forum members. Without a seperate category for them, it pits them against others in other categories where they have a bit of an edge when ultimately that would be best channeled into an insider award.
What can i say? Working for 10 years at a market reseach firm gets one overly thinking about the process of data collection in surveys, polls, and awards!