Ah, so many things to comment on, lol. Once again, I'm sorry for the absence as of late. For some reason lately, all I've wanted to do at the end of the day was sleep (and occasionally watch the Marx Brothers lol)!
That exhibit sounds great, I wish I could go! It would be cool to see all those characters up close!
Well I sent my questions to Steve and I'm DEFINITELY looking forward to Jane's next interview, yay!
Good luck with everything, MN, and also welcome to the club Devco!
Btw, the other day I was given the opportunity to lead this prayer group I go to occasionally (different from the one I mentioned awhile ago). For this position, I was required to pick something inspirational to read out loud. Of course I thought, lol, what would be better than Richard's memorial speech? I was so nervous the whole day! This time I wouldn't be able to rely on other people, I'd have to present this speech all alone and make it presentable and inspirational for the whole group.
I was so nervous the entire day. I kept being afraid that I would chicken out; that I would fail to deliver the speech with the emotion and passion necessary to pull it off. That I wouldn't be able to "go there." But, I went in, and just decided to read it the way I've heard it so many times (I'm pretty good at mimicing if I do say so myself, hehe). In essence I "shut up and did it." And amazingly (and thankfully!) I managed to pull it off. And everyone in the group really enjoyed it. So, thank you guys for all the support you always give, and thank you Richard for providing the material and the inspiration to "go there." And of course thank you God for giving me that strength.