They sure did...ow, the jaws are acting up this morning; the doc's got me on three prescription meds: penicillin to prevent infection, and Vicodin and ibuprofen for the inevitable pain. I've just taken one of each of the first two. I also have to do jaw-stretching exercises and massage my cheeks every now and then, because there's some swelling and bruising where my lower teeth came out.
All right, enough medical details; I'm on the mend. Now as for the dream: the section you'll be interested in was very short, and it was all a tad hazy, and like I said, the content makes me blush a little, heck, it's positively tame compared to Sara's jacuzzi dream.
I was wandering through a very large old house with several other people in it. Sounds like the setup for a murder mystery, doesn't it? And I was looking for clues for something, whether it was the clue to a murder or perhaps a treasure hidden somewhere in the house or on the grounds.
On the second floor I go through the door to the master bathroom. This wouldn't be important except for three things:
(braces self for barrage of squeals from female RHLC'ers, and perhaps a sigh of "those girls and their crushes..." from the males)
1. There is a large, white claw-footed tub (the old-fashioned kind) in the middle of the room.
2. Someone is taking a long, hot bubble bath in said tub while (I think) reading a newspaper.
3. That someone is Richard.
Amazingly I don't blush or splutter out an apology and run away, which is what I'd have done in real life. He doesn't even seem to mind my being in there. The door was open anyway.
So I walk over to the side of the tub. I chat a bit with Richard, who then hands me a handful of slightly moist theater ticket stubs, which are apparently a very important clue in whatever the big mystery is. I thank him and leave so I can finish exploring the house and so he can finish his paper and bath.
True, it was all tastefully done, nothing risque or really outlandish happened; it's just the thought of seeing our favorite Muppeteer in that kind of setting that makes me blush when I think back on it.