I posted in here as a RH update and I was going to post the same in the MUP3s section but my attention was stolen away. My worst loss was the Beginning Middle Ending track because they were specially made and I forgot who edited them for me.Nah, it's okay. I say that as a friendly suggestion, both to keep the threads easier to manage and so you can get all the songs you're after that much sooner.
Screenshot, that explains it. See, I've got bad blind batty eyes in real life. So if it's not written down... Well, just tell me what you need and I'll do my best from my Muppet audio libraries.
*nods* I like to picture Jim and Richard doing Statler and Waldorf impressions in heaven. You know, just laughing/being amused with us down here.I agree; it's really nice to picture Jim and the gang together in heaven - sometimes, around here, we visualize them sitting on clouds, watching what's going on down here with the Muppets, swapping jokes, discussing life, that sort of thing.
Oh, man, I'm going to be a mess on the 20th anniversary of Richard's passing. Riiiichard.[ironically, i was thinking yesterday at work about what to do for Richard's 20]
Oh! I've seen your friend's art before. The pieces are awesome. I legit teared up at that Muppeteer tribute.oh, and when i looked at the article i remembered my friend on deviantart, so i wanted to share the first picture of her's i found, it makes me smile every time. http://phuzface1.deviantart.com/art/Muppeteer-Tribute-86789165 [also, if you want, check out her muppet folder http://phuzface1.deviantart.com/gallery/#Muppet-Files it's quite funny]
I noticed! I even you missed you. *hug* Technology does indeed suck sometimes.sorry i've been gone for so long [if anyone noticed] my email can be stupid some times and i won't get updates from the forum so i assume no one's posted.
Thanks for the link Analeisa- I love the pic! The Adidas runners are a nice touch, too.Speaking of which, today is the 20th anniversary of Jim's passing.I still miss him. Tough Pigs did a lovely art tribute and one piece has Richard in it: http://www.toughpigs.com/remembering-jim/
wow, so sorry to hear that.
20 years, almost surreal, [then again i was only a few months old when he died so it shouldn't be a shock to me, but it is] that one about him and Jesus made me laugh so hard. i always say to my sister Jim looked like Jesus, and how soft spoken he was... there was so much about him that was wonderful... i forgot he died yesterday, may is a very busy month for me [ironically, i was thinking yesterday at work about what to do for Richard's 20] well, last night among other strange dreams, i had my annual reoccurring dream about Jim [and oddly enough i went to bed singing the rainbow connection, i guess in some way i remembered]That's lovely, Nekoshema. =) I did remember the 20th anniversery since Jim's death, and towards the end of the day I decided to play my record of The Muppet Movie, just a little soomething. c: I think it's lovely that you did remember in your own way, because it seems that you always keep Jim in mind, whenever. I wish muppeteers visited my dreams. D: This reminds me of a conversation that I had aaaaaages ago with other fellow RHLCers regarding Richard dreams, and I think somebody (Marianne, if you're still lurking, I'm looking at you, dear! c: xD) wrote his name on a note and put it under their pillow. I tried it myself, actually. And I remember my mum changing my sheets and finding it, lol.
Yeah, 20 years... I mean, I haven't even reached 20, and yet I still find it weird that 1990 was twenty years ago. Hrm, weird.
Ah yes, I watch phuzface1 on DA, too! Very talented. I remember coming across those pics in the JimHensonConnection group and they totally made my day. c: Thanks for sharing.oh, and when i looked at the article i remembered my friend on deviantart, so i wanted to share the first picture of her's i found, it makes me smile every time. http://phuzface1.deviantart.com/art/Muppeteer-Tribute-86789165 [also, if you want, check out her muppet folder http://phuzface1.deviantart.com/gallery/#Muppet-Files it's quite funny]
Yeah, I've noticed your absence- that sucks.sorry i've been gone for so long [if anyone noticed] my email can be stupid some times and i won't get updates from the forum so i assume no one's posted. yesterday before bed i decided first thing in the morning i'd jump on and post to start it up [stupid email not informing me of stuff, i hate technology so]Technology be be such a pain. -___-