Hey guys! Been a long time since I've talked to you. Well, I've lost yet another job.
I'm gonna go through Voc Rehab. Again.
Maybe something will pan out this time. I've also found out that I have
bursitis of my left hip joint that occured due to my latest car accident. (the driver's side-impact if anyone forgot. XD) But it's a minor thing. I have a prescription pain med for it. Vicodin. Well, a low-dose generic of vicodin, but still vicodin nonetheless.
But it's nothing huge, just need to get back to work I guess, in some fashion, be it Voc Rehab or a real job. It's something at least.
One thing that's getting me worried, was this: When I had my first car accident, the strap tightened across my right breast tightly, and severely bruised it. To the point of developing a hematoma in it. It's gone now, but my doctor wanted me to get a follow-up, like...last year. I either forgot to go, or had to re-schedule for something else to the point of like....I think a week ago?
And guess what? I forgot again. So, when I went to the doc this past week, he (along with a nurse in room as per rules) decided he'd do a quick checkup on my chest, and see if I still really needed that little ultrasound to see if the hematoma's still there in the right breast.
Well, said hematomas been long gone. Now I have multiple small lumps throughout the lower halves of both breasts, and to him most just feel fibrous (read - not that bad), but a couple of them are larger, and feel hard to him.
That...honestly scared me a bit. Now I'm going to go in for a dignostic double-breast mammogram, and just pray to God nothing bad comes out of it.
But I'll keep ya'll posted and such. Love you!