Hey, gang, the Newsgirl is back in town, and good grief, you guys have been busy.
I'm the best at knowing what Richard Hunt would have said or thought? Wow, that's an honor!
We're all just dandy here, thanks, and I really appreciate you guys asking after me.
I've just returned from helping to plant my great-uncle Richard. Yes, I had a great-uncle Richard and I didn't even mention it here. Tsk, tsk. But I digress.
We'd known that he'd kind of been on the skids for some time, so we knew that his number was about up.
The funeral went all right; everyone behaved themselves. No fistfights over the will at the wake or whatever, and I got to see a lot of relatives I haven't seen in a while. We chatted, caught up and goofed off in the way only this family can, took a lot of photos at the post-game lunch and all that. Good times.
I didn't mention this either: in addition to just attending, Mom, my brother and I had to provide the music for the funeral Mass. So we threw together a repertoire of appropriate hymns, and it was Mom on the piano, my brother and me on the guitars, and we all sang. That probably was the best tribute for Uncle Richard, seeing as he taught Mom to play the guitar when she was a kid.
Now, on the subject of Richard (Hunt, that is): I didn't have any Muppet-related dreams while away. But get a load of this: Mom dreamed that she was on the set of the Gorgs' garden on Fraggle Rock!