Yes Mariane, we're well aware of your butchering tendincies!
Amanda, where did you get the song? Although it is not just the one song by itself, it is on the A Christmas Together soundtrack as part of the medly. Sarah, (I think it was you that mentioned it), is it possible to post a link to the Itunes version? I didn't realize it had been done by others!
And last but not least, Amanda, Sarah's right of course. We are all here for you whenever you need suport, but I like to believe it is as more than fans. True, it was fandom that braught us together, but I feel the personal bond as being much stronger!
Oh wow, I'm so excited! I made a smiley! I made a smiley! Awesome,
now if I could only figure out the code for the others...
Sorry, I do tend to get a little over excited at times, lol!