All right, well I finished the funeral. He made a sweet little speech about how we shouldn't be too sad about Jim's passing because his spirit was still with us or something sad like that.
And he was helping out to get everyone's lines and stuff when they all sing Jim's favorite songs. And he did Scooter, and he and Frank Oz had this little side Chat as Fozzie and Scooter in Simon Smith very quickly in between words.
Oh, and at the end when they all did Saints go Marching In, he found this kid who was sad, and he took the kid's hands and were clapping them for the now-smiling kid. It was real sweet.
But everyone else seemed almost crying, ((besides Michael Frith, who seemed like he knew everything was all right)), Richard seemed, almost /too/ in control, like he was blocking out what happened. I guess it's just his way, and he seemed like he was trying to keep it cool for everyone else who was falling apart. That's it for now. Hope that helped.
Oh, if anyone has any questions about the funeral in general, or Richard's part in it, I'd be happy to answer them.