Chapter five
When Piggy got home she went in and looked for Constantine "Constantine where are you?" Piggy yelled. And then she saw Constantine came down the stairs "You are home" Constantine said. "What where you doing upstairs?" Piggy asked "Hiding for your dog, she's crazy" Constantine said "Where is she now? Piggy asked "I think she sleeping" Constantine said as walked over to Piggy and tried to kiss her, but she backet away. "What?" Constantine said and just looket at her "I can't do this anymore, you have to go. Kermit is coming home early tomorrow." Piggy said "What? And where am I suppose to go?" He asked and he looked sad "Far away from me. I love Kermit, he's the only frog for me" the pig said.
"Yesterday you told that you still have feelings for me, and if I leave now you will regret that you sent me away" he said as he got closer to Piggy and took her hand. "Yes I know that I still have feelings for you from last time, but if you go now I will get over you" she said as she looked away from him. "Are you sure?" he asked and let go off her hand and placed his fingers under her chin so that she had to look at him. "Please go" she said with tears in her eyes. And then Constantine kissed Piggy gently on the lips, but Piggy didn't pull away she was kissing back. After a little while they pulled away. " You still want me here, if you didn't you hadn't kissed me back" Constantine said. Piggy didn't look at him when said that she was feeling guilty and ashamed now. "Maybe, but you can't stay here when Kermit is coming home" Piggy cryed. "Where can I stay?" he asked. Piggy was standing there and though for a moment "You can stay at the Muppet theater" she said "But aren't those muppets there?" he asked "No it's summer, and we doesen't use the theater at summer so much" piggy said "Well that's great" he said and kissed Piggy on her cheek. "And you have stay in my dressingroom" piggy said "I will" he said "Come on I drive you there" piggy said and found her car keys.
When they got there at the Muppet theatre, Piggy had to disconnect the alarm system so the alarm don't go off. When they came in they went straight up to Piggy's dressing room.
"You have to stay here all the time, and if you hear someone is coming don't go out the room" Piggy said " Ok I will" he answered. Piggy laid her arms around his neck and just stared at him "You are so sweet" she said and kissed him gently on the lips, he pulled away after a little while "When can I see you again?" he asked "I will try to be back here tomorrow night, if I can lie to Kermit" she said as she looked on the floor. "My love don't look so sad" he said and looked at her, she smiled at him. He startet to kiss her neck, and Piggy liked this and moaned. And it got into passions kisses, and they moved down to the couch. Constantine laid Piggy down on the couch and he was on top on her. He kissed her forehead, cheek and neck, Piggy laid her hands around his neck and he had her hands around her waist. They kissed for a long time until Constantine tried pull down the zipper back on her dress, but Piggy reactet at this and got up "No" she said "Why will you never do this?" Constantine asked "I don't want to" she said "You still don't want to this because of Kyermit?" he asked "Yes! And I have to go now" Piggy said and walked to the door "Goodbye then. But you are still coming tomorrow?" he asked "Yes. Bye" she she said and closed the and went down the stairs and got out locked the theater. And she drove home.
When she got home she yelled for Foo Foo "Foo Foo where are you?" Foo Foo heard her runned to her. "Hi Foo Foo" she picked her up and gave her a hug. "Oh Foo Foo what I am going to do?" But Foo Foo just growled at her "Yeah you hate me now don't you?" Piggy asked and she nooded. She put her down on the floor and walked up the bedroom and went to bed.
End of chapter five