Okay, here's the tally of folks wanting to become Honorary Kevins in The Official Kevin Club (and even if you DON'T want to be an Honorary Kevin, humor me).
Here it is:
For those of you who wish to be Kevins, put one finger in your ear and walk to your parents or friends and just stand there looking at them, don't say a word, don't laugh, and no matter how many times they ask you what you're doing never say a word. Then, turn and walk away saying undeterminable words (make stuff up), turn to them and say as you're about to leave the room in the most annoying voice you can create (copying Coneheads), "You will narfle the Garthog! NYAH-HA HA HA HA!!" and run to your room.
That, or you can either: 1) take a hazing (I have some bendy straws from a soda shop that will be used) or, 2) just ask nicely.
Officially Honorized Kevins Are:
KrazedMuppet (Katie is close to Kevin)
Sarah (Lives in Oklahoma, which initials are OK, and this is The OK Club)