#10 is that model who got famous for some reason, I think because she posted something racy of herself on the internet or something and got discovered by someone influential in the entertainment world.
I google searched her, and I do recognise some of those photos.
Of course, talent is not a requirement for models. The real qualifications to being a model are looking good and the ability to pose for a picture (I'd be surprised if there were many who had trouble posing). Oh, and I guess another requirement (or at least a bonus) for attractive models is to be willing to wear revealing clothes.
Anyway, for another list, here's my top ten favorite quotes from A Christmas Story:
10. "You used up ALL THE GLUE on PURPOSE!"
9. "Don't shoot at any animals or birds!" "Except the Bumpises dogs!"
7. "It was... Soap poisioning!"
6. "Only I didn't say 'fudge'. I said THE WORD. The big one. The mother of all dirty words. The f-dash-dash-dash word."
5. "He looks like a pink nightmare"
4. "I like The Wizard of Oz. I like the Tin Man."
3. "If the boss thinks I'm working a minute past nine, he can kiss my foot!"
2. You'll shoot your eye out"
1. "For years my aunt harbored under the dillusion that I was not only perpetually six years old, but also a girl"
And my top ten favorite scenes from A Christmas Story:
10. Randy worries that "daddy's gonna kill ralphie" while inside a cubboard
9. Ralphie decodes Little Orphan Annie's secret message
8. Ralphie imagines becoming blind due to soap poisioning
7. Swartz's mothers reaction to Ralphie's mother telling her that Swartz taught Ralphie a dirty word
6. the Chinese restauraunt scene
5. Mom gets Randy to demonstrate how a little piggy eats
4. Ralphie wears his bunny pajamas
3. Flick gets his tongue stuck to the flagpole
2. Ralphie's western fantasy
1. The entire Santa Claus sequence