The Official "I'm looking for/trying to remember a sketch" thread


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2008
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This isn't really a Sesame Street skit per se, but it iS Sesame Street related. I seem to have some recollection from when I was little (early 80's) of a Santa Claus parade on TV, but with Oscar (of all characters) reporting from the Announcer's booth. I seem to vaguely remember it happening for either one or two year (it is a blur). It seems like the most random thing to remember, but I am wondering if anyone else remembers it, or if it is one of those random things you imagine as a child.

Convincing John

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Someone help me with this one. I don't even really know if it was a Sesame Street skit or not, but I swear there's something Muppety where someone mumbles a location and it gets translated as "Acamafloomfloom." It's a weird, esoteric thing and I'm sure someone here can remember that. I somehow got faint rumblings of some Muppet, possibly Sesame Street saying "Acamafloomfloom."
I think I know what you're thinking of. It's a game show sketch called "What's Prairie's Problem?" The "Acamafloomfloom" part comes at the end of the game.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Someone help me with this one. I don't even really know if it was a Sesame Street skit or not, but I swear there's something Muppety where someone mumbles a location and it gets translated as "Acamafloomfloom." It's a weird, esoteric thing and I'm sure someone here can remember that. I somehow got faint rumblings of some Muppet, possibly Sesame Street saying "Acamafloomfloom."
That was from "What's Prairie's Problem?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I think I know what you're thinking of. It's a game show sketch called "What's Prairie's Problem?" The "Acamafloomfloom" part comes at the end of the game.
Thanks. That was driving me nuts because I remembered that line almost out of nowhere that day, but couldn't place where it came from.

The human mind is funny like that. I haven't seen that skit in years. Yet "Acama-Floom Floom" just popped in my head for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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BTW, I am looking for the animated insert of gloves playing in a park. Then one glove comes in and asked "Do you want to hear my wristwatch ticked?" And other glove replies "That is neat!" At the end, they play catch.


New Member
Nov 15, 2014
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Someone started a forum thread about this particular vintage SS sketch ten years ago. It's gratifying that other posters remember it, but no one seems to have seen it in years.

Northern Calloway was dressed in some sort of Orientalist garb; judging by the background music (sitars, etc) I guess it was meant to be Indian. He played a shehnai or shawm or something, and slowly "charmed" a floating animated number 12 out of a snake-basket: first the one, then the two.

The whole thing was rather eerie and unsettling, especially the music, and that David seemed to be in some hypnotic trance. At the end he folded his arms, intoned "twellllve" and slowly vanished.

Is there a copy of this uploaded anywhere? I can't even find so much as a screen-shot, nor the official name of the sketch in the episode archives.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Someone started a forum thread about this particular vintage SS sketch ten years ago. It's gratifying that other posters remember it, but no one seems to have seen it in years.

Northern Calloway was dressed in some sort of Orientalist garb; judging by the background music (sitars, etc) I guess it was meant to be Indian. He played a shehnai or shawm or something, and slowly "charmed" a floating animated number 12 out of a snake-basket: first the one, then the two.

The whole thing was rather eerie and unsettling, especially the music, and that David seemed to be in some hypnotic trance. At the end he folded his arms, intoned "twellllve" and slowly vanished.

Is there a copy of this uploaded anywhere? I can't even find so much as a screen-shot, nor the official name of the sketch in the episode archives.
I haven't seen this in years (no, decades!) either, but your description nailed it. I distinctly remember in the background you could hear voices "Who will buy?", suggesting an Indian street market. And as David vanishes, the screen dissolves into an Indian tapestry, with elephants, oxen, and birds. This skit also seemed to take a long time.
It used to be, if someone mentioned a skit that hasn't been seen in ages, some others on this board would accuse the poster of just imagining it. (This was before there was YouTube or MuppetWiki for people to reference)…
But this skit is as real as you and me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
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This isn't a skit, but it's a segment.

Stephen and Joseph Marley appeared on Sesame Street and the segment showed them recording a song together. I forget what season this is from.