The Nightmare Thread


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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So I had this bad dream last night, and I thought you guys could share yours. But here's mine.

So, I'm at this social gather my friend threw, and I hardly know anyone there. So then, a security guard says it's time for me to go see her, so my mom mom takes me to her. Turns out we're in a grocery store, and she starts... Like... Her spree-ness. So I'm like, C'mon already!
So apparently there's several halloween isles in the store, and Halloween decor has always had me screaming. And Mai, my friend, is on the other side of these isles. So I walk down one with my mom mom. It had adorable halloween plushies. I lived. The next one had a bunch of creepy things.
"Can't do it." I say. So I go to the isle next to it, and there's laughing, freaky posters on the ground, I run to get the heck outta there, and then all the incredibly freaky and scary things come alive, and come to get me while my mom mom's taking pictures with my old crush and my boyfriend!
And then I woke up, because the decorations were blocking my view of my mom mom taking pictures with my old crush and my boyfriend.

Have you ever had a really wierd nightmare?


Jun 26, 2012
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Your nightmare is really funny. I had mine. But forgot soon after I was awake.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I've had many horrible weird nightmares. But i couldn't tell you what any of them were (with one exception) mainly because unless i do something like notate my dreams within a few minutes of waking up from them, i'll completely forget them. I can still remember the feelings i had waking up (that was WEIRD, how could my subconscious come up with THAT?!, that was absolutely dreadful!) but i can't remember the contents.

By the same token if it's a dream i had before, i also will remember this within a couple of minutes of waking up - but after that - totally gone.

The one dream i do remember was from a few years ago and the only reason i remember it was because it was too shocking - not just the content but the physical experience i had while dreaming it and also because i had always heard that having such a dream is impossible:

I drempt i was in a car accident which killed me. I remember actually going from the perspective of seeing things from my eyes before i was killed and then shifting to seeing myself as if i was another person and moving (just by will) around the scene. Now the dieing part itself wasn't disturbing as i was wanting to die for a long time anyway but i remember "testing" myself to see if it was a dream or real by trying to open my eyes, but i couldn't open them or wake up now matter how hard i tried...and THAT was what was so disturbing that i was trying to wake up/open my eyes but couldn't...and i had always heard that one can't actually dream of their own death...but that is apparently not correct.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Anything your mind can conceive, you can certainly dream. I've dreamt my own death many times, but usually I wake up in shock right AT the point of dying, especially if it's violent. Never had the whole Alfred Hitchcock "Don't cut me, I'm not dead!" autopsy table thing. Yeek.

My worst ones have typically involved the death of someone I loved, not me. Me dying would be startling (and at this point, highly frustrating) but not awful per se.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2010
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I heard that if you die in a dream, you are dying in real life.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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To add to that, I heard dreaming about drowning is a sign you have sleep apnea. I actually heard from someone who has sleep apnea. She said that before she was diagnosed with it she would dream about drowning and not being able to breath when she woke up...

To be fair though, I had this happen to me a number of times. its very scary