The Next Palisades Playset - Your Choice ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Hi Guys,

Over at the Palisades forum we fans have been giving our thoughts on the Playset we feel the line would be incomplete without. Thought it might be interesting for us to do this here too seeing as not everybody gets to the other site, so here's a repost of what Ken said :-

Originally Posted By ResidentLilly
I'll know in about 2 months if we will begin development of a new playset. By that time the Kitchen will be out and have sell through numbers and the first of the nibbles will begin regarding the Swine Trek. Development will begin, just for the prototype, and the full decision to tool will be made as Swine Trek hits the shelf. So it will be sometime in October when I could say with certainty that a new playset will be officially "under way".

Now as far as I see it, here are what I consider to be the top choices of what the next playset would be, in no particular order.

1. Vet's Hospital
2. Backstage
3. Muppet Theatre
4. Bear on Patrol
5. Hispaniola

Now, if I had to pick just one, I know what I would pick. I would pick the one that, to me, would be the one playset that any Muppet line SHOULD have in the line...but I ain't saying what I think that should be.

I DO however want to know what YOU think it should be. So tell me. If you had to pick one, and ONLY one, playset from that list, what would it be and why? Don't figure in costs or deluxe versus non-deluxe or anything of that nature. Just think it over...what one playset would best complete the world of the Muppets if only one more could ever get made?
So yeah, what Playset would YOU go for ? Ken has since stated again that you have to pick just ONE playset - you can't say modular or a combined backstage/theatre etc etc.

Ken also announced that the preliminary go-ahead for Series 7 has been given, and the line-up officially approved, although not announced yet.


New Member
Nov 23, 2002
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for me it would have to be the muppet theatre


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2002
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Muppet Theater

Followed closely by Vet's Hospital :big_grin:


Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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If we were able to get them all, the order "I" would go in would be:
Muppet Theater
Vet's Hospital
Bear on Patrol
Hispanola (If we get more MTI figures, obviously)


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Backstage, Muppet Theatre, Vet's Hospital. I understand that the Theater might take a while and the backstage set is the real signature potrion of the Muppet Show. It appeared ore often (as a whole) than the theater. It was in every other scene.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Honestly, for me, the absolute neccessity would be the Muppet Theater, as it holds everything together, and gives the other sets a context to fit in. Not only that, but it gives Statler and Waldorf their place to be. HOWEVER, this does not neccessarily mean I want it to be next. I want this to be, as discussed long ago, to be the absolute best it can be. I'm talking DELUXE, if not SUPER-DELUXE. If it were going to be put out, just because, making a half-@$$ed effort, at least as half-@$$ed as Palisades can be, than I'd rather prefer it to be later, also as previously stated. I'd really like to see a skit-themed playset be next, continuing with the band, the lab, the kitchen, and the ship. My first choice, in that case, would be Vet's Hospital, with whoever, possibly Dr. Bob. Then there's BOP, and the very-important Backstage. That's about it, for now. Take care.
