Hello everyone! Here is episode 4 of The Next Food Network Star:
When the finalists were out of bed, they went to Studio B and met Tyler Florence and presented them with their first challenge: they have 60 seconds to present a culinary skill on a specific food. Whoever won the challenge will have their demonstration on foodnetwork.com. Adam tried to open an artichoke, Aaron cut off the top of a pineapple, Kelsey cut ribs, Lisa tied a piece of string around a chicken and Shane tried to get some milk out of a coconut. Nipa tried to get a piece of meat out of a squid - even though she doesn't know anything about squids - and ended up with a tiny piece of it. When it was Jennifer's turn, she was given a challenge to shuck an oyster. Jen had never shucked an oyster in a long time, so she improvised. It didn't go well - she said oysters make her sick - and when she was done, she left the room, cried and bonked herself on the head, saying she was an idiot. Tyler came up to her and told her that she has a great personality but she musn't apologize to the camera too much. Later, Tyler told everyone that Kelsey had won the challenge.
Then, the finalists went to the Food Network Kitchens where they were greeted by many different types of fish. At that moment, Iron Chef Michael Symon - who said he was going to be on the SC - appeared with Senior Executive chef Michael LaDuke from Red Lobster. MS and LaDuke explained whoever won the challenge, their dish will appear on the Red Lobster's Fresh Fish menu all across the country. They must make 2 dishes, but one of them will have a secret ingredient. MS pulled off the curtain and revealed foods you wouldn't find in dishes: white chocolate, caramel, cola, Fruit Loops, coffee beans, marshmellow creme and grape jelly. Since Kelsey won the last challenge, she picked out white chocolate and a Tilapia. Adam chose caramel and halibut - just for the halibut

. Aaron used Cola and cod, Jennifer used Fruit Loops and Mahi Mahi. Lisa used coffee beans and arctic char. Shane used marshmellow creme and sole fish and Nipa used grape jelly and rainbow trout. They must prepare their dish that they will use later in the challenge. Nipa wasn't excited about this challenge because she had never touched a dead fish before and didn't know how to use grape jelly. As she made her dish, she took off a tiny piece of rainbow trout and threw the rest in the garbage. Aaron was worried that his fish was too flaky.
When they were done, they went out onto a pier and are introduced to Captain Howard Shaw. MS told them they must serve their dishes to 30 Coast Guard men and women and the selection committee. Kelsey went up first and toned down her energy just a little, which made the SC very happy. They even liked her food. When Adam went out to present his dish, he fell onto the floor and thought the CG's and the SC would laugh - but they didn't. Jennifer broke her promise to Tyler by trying not to apologize; she thought the FL made the fish too sweet. When Nipa presented her dish, she taught the CG's belly dancing, which made some of them very sick, which was also how they felt about her food. As Lisa prepared her food, she slipped and fell with liquid all over her clothes. She told the crowd about her slipping and how her brother is in Iraq, which made her cry a little. The SC thought her food was good. Shane wasn't comfortable with the marshmellow creme in his dish, but everyone liked it anyway. Finally, it was Aarons turn. The fish was still flaky and dry and his presentation was flat.
Later that day, it was time for elimination. Bob thought that Lisa wasn't creative with the camera. Shane didn't open the coconut. Adam need to work on his comedy because the step wasn't funny and it felt disrespectful. Jennifer's confidence was lacking and needed to stop apologizing. Nipa lacked expertise in the culinary challenge.
Kelsey had won not only the culinary challenge, but her white chocolate tilapia went on the Red Lobster menu. Because of this, she was safe and so was Lisa, Shane, Jennifer and Aaron, who had revealed to the SC that before he joined TNFNS, his son had run away from home and hoped that if he won, his son would come back home.* Then, it was down to Adam and Nipa. They decided to keep Adam and send Nipa home - HALLELUJAH! Adam hoped that he will try and not be immature next time.
Keep watching The Next Food Network Star, Sunday's at 10/9 central on Food Network!
*Note: In Susie Fogelson's blog on foodnetwork.com, she said that Aaron's son did come home and everything is fine again.