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The New Muppet Show Cast


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2002
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An idea from a previous thread was that the Muppets live in the boarding house but go off an do showbiz related jobs. Kermit still works at the Muppet Theater and Clifford records albums at the KMUP studio. I liked that so much I was about to write fanfictrion about a setup like that.

Lorde Pompeo

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2002
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Yeah... That would be great! It would be even better than just the Mall... But KansasTeen, do you think that it would be ok to squizze the House Sketches, the Street Sketches and the Several Stores Sketches aswell as the Musical and Weird Numbers into a 20 minutes show?

Lets start a Campaing to have a 40 minutes show (kind of like two sitcoms put together) called «The Muppets Rule The Mall» with all the stuff I said PLUS the stuff you said!

We could have that thing on the net to gather signatures, then we could send it to JHC and to FOX and maybe we could get the support of MuppetCentral (which is held in high regard by the rest of the world)... What do you say?

Lorde Pompeo, KansasTeen14 and... who else wants to join us on this impossible cruzade?

Lets make the Muppets rule the Mall!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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>>>Henson should be pretty aware how much of a hardcore cult fan following they have as they put the show together...so that being the case, i would like to see a lot of "Easter Eggs" in the new show that would be little treasures or in-jokes that the hardcore fans would get. <<<

holy cow, this is one of the most brillaint ideas Ive heard of in ages on here! my goodness, and I thought Clifford and Rizzo referencing MC during th elive auction was unbelievable!
Little injokes that only us hardcore fans would know, sprinkled here and there, little out there things like that..man that would truly be too cool!

>>>sprinkled around that will have the loyal fans squealing with delight! Especially if this ended up in the same block of programming as the Simpsons, i think it would be great to see a lot of the same care going into subtle "for-the-fans" acknowledgments of the Muppets history as the Simpsons animators/writers sprinkle thorugh the show<<<

I have never noticed any for the fan stuff on the Simpsons, then again to this day I relaly have never been on a Simpsons site or forum. So they do do that tho? man...youre right, this would be the post lat e90's/early 2000's online muppet community boom...and with JHC finally having to ackowlege us(ie: read about mfest for info on that) and finally deriving a lot of input from us merchandise wise...welll this would be a very cool acknowlegement and little nugget to get us all squeeeling!
*and you thought it was nuts when Chandler referenced Fraggle Rock on Friends!*

Who else here thinks this is one ingenious idea?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I like the Mall episod eidea, but while I thought a boarding house/sitcom idea was cool a few years ago on Mc...now Im not so sure...one thing, I think we all have a lot of great little ideas on here, and I really hope JHC has some input from us.

What would I like to see? Im not even gonna start saying they need my faves Beaker and Pepe in starring roles, as thats a given. I think a lot of who we think should be on will be.

I do however wanna see the Muppets break new ground, much like they did with the JHH in 1989. The word 'edgy' is right on...they need to do something that would make other netoworks go 'ok...I have to admit, thats pretty out there!'
so to revolutionize the box, to shift paradigms, what?

Big thing we ALL WANT: nods to the obscure, kind of wink winks to long time fans. Have super obscure characters with quick walk ins, cameos, and one liners. for example, have the scofs and other frackles aplenty. Maybe even land of Gorch guys, etc.
Have Bert from Sesame cameo.

And yes, I think its high time we see the return of Digit, Leon, Lindburch, and Zondra in some capacity!

It would be brave yet very cool of JHC to poke fun at themselves, with a Muppet saying something in jest, though however subtley, about the emtv fiasco. Maybe have a sesame character make reference to paving the way for more sesame cameos. Heck, bring Bear and company on for a cameo. It seems like JHC was more adventerous with Sesame cameos back int he day, as they sure havent done that in any recent Muppet tv or film.

All in all, the possibilities are really neat when ya think of what JHC could do with the oppurtunity of a new show. If I was on board working on the new show, you darn bet I'd mix things up with the kid gloves off...(obscure 3am references galore, pant soiling 'noooo wayyy!' cameos ya thought youd never see, actual cool interesting celebs like bowie, ed norton, etc, possible on the street segments, etc etc)


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2002
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I think it would be GREAT to have it called"The Muppets Rule The Mall Comedy Hour" giving them enough time to do everything and have a true plot to it.like in the first episode it can revolve around Kermit trying to have the Grand opening of the mall and if you dont mind I might make a thread of plots for the first season,if you want you can Private massage me on here and we can talk about that,because I have alot of Ideas on this.

Lorde Pompeo

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2002
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Me too!!!

I have some great ideas for shows... Lets e-mail each other with the VERY BASIC summary of shows for the first season... Then we can discuss them a little... Then we could make Elaborated Summaries, we could show each other, correct errors, give our opinion and finally whe we both have achieved the perfection, post them here AND when we have a handfull of them, we can send them to JHC...

What do you say? Lets make a team?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Rule them Mall!

Are you sure you weren't thinking of the Rings worn by Dr. Teeth? Kidding aside, I liked your ideas as to this probable new show. Could the mall be expanded to have other stores for different characters? The main question I have is how are you going to get from one floor to the other. You need some system of public escalators or elevators at least in the corridors, not inside the stores, although these could also exist. One character who would be perfect for an elevator in the main atrium would be Benny Bunny from SS. He'd get annoyed when the visitors make him switch from floor to floor, along with picking up new passengers. Now, if only this could become a reality cause I really like your work.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2002
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The reason the Muppets and SS don't intersect anymore is that SS is owned by CTW while the Muppets are currently owned by EMTV. Back in the old days the Muppets were independants and CTW would let them use the SS muppets cause it was like 'what the hey? Jim does all of them....' Now it's like they're two totally seperate companies and CTW leases the Muppets from Henson.

Also in your list Johnny Fiamma and Sall are not on it, even though Mama Fiamma is. What gives?

Lorde Pompeo

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2002
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When I made the draft in my mind, Johnny and Sal were supposed to work in «Golden Tones», the Music Store... But that would make too many characters working there, so I decided to put them in somewhere else... Then I forgot...

By looking at their personalities I would say that they just wander around the Mall but don't actually work there... Maybe some day they will try to open something in the Hexed Store...

As to ways to go from a floor to another... Gonzo uses a rope... But the rest of the people use the stairs behind the stage or the elevators on the left side... If I had a home page I would put the drafts I draw of the Mall... I know, I know... I need help...

If any of you has one, I could send the drawings to you and then you could put the link here... Or you could tell me how to create my own home page...

Thank you...