Well I dunno,it sort of seems like their relationship wouldn't change all that much if they were together,they already seem pretty close with each other.
"Hi Sam". That's close? 40 years and "Hi Sam" is the only interaction we've had between the two.
It's like the writers were just throwing darts at pictures of the Muppets and they're like "alright, let's make a new couple". It was gonna be either

or Yolanda, and they're just like "Oh, let's find her complete opposite. Plus, let's act like


totally wasn't a thing, because it wasn't. Tune in next week, when we force Yolanda &

to be a couple."
Very true. I personally would kind of find Bunsen and Beaker kissing kind of out of character but the longer I think about it, I'm really not finding that much wrong with it. We are learning a lot about the characters in this show so maybe going further with


relationship would be kind of nice. Thanks for changing my mind lol.
They've been pretty much hinting at this for years. It's 2015. We've had gay characters on television since the 70's. Bunsen's always been portrayed as a little dainty. Plus, Beaker's original puppeteer was a gay man. I don't see why this is an issue or why it should be.
I don't see why Richard being gay has anything to do with it. Beaker wasn't big on personality anyway.
What were the hints? Them just being together? How about friends or acquaintances?
I hate the whole


thing, not because I'm homophobic, but because they're like brothers or something. I think they mentioned on Muppet Babies that they lived together. It's kind of disturbing:

is so helpless and I could just see

abusing him or something. I agree though,

could pass as gay or bi or something.
It's the same reason


aren't a confirmed couple; they're just best friends. Plus,
they're just Muppets. All of their traits don't have to be human-like (too bad that's the theme of this show); please don't strip them of their innocence.