Okay, poverty and cheapness won out and I saw the 2-D version. Plus, there was this whole thing where they ran BOTH versions of the movie in one theater in the place I wanted to see it, so I'd have to have seen it REALLY early (1:00, meaning I'd have to leave at 11:00 to get there) or go somewhere else. I hate to admit it, but I RULLY dug it. I liked it a decent amount more that the first, if NOTHING else for the fact they got out of that dirty old town and showed some great universe re-designed scenery. And The Japanese toilet scene was just...and remember, I usually hate toilet sequences and immature stuff like that, but it actually killed me. I laughed at a toilet scene! I'm not proud.
Anyway... Muppet trailer:
There WAS one... just... it WASN'T the new one. It was still the Green with Envy trailer... I'm mixed about it... I find it stronger and more grabbing than the actual official one (though not as intriguing as Green Lantern). But really, the 3 films I've seen (Kung Fu Panda, Green Lantern, and Cars 2) I've seen that Furshluggener Puss in Boots Trailer all three times and the Muppet one only twice. It's not that I wouldn't like to see Puss in Boots, but I don't like the fact it's the main competition.
Now, I gotta talk about that
other trailer....
Crappy... err Happy Feet 2. Now, as much as I LOVE Robin Williams I outright refuse to watch the first one. But I really felt visually and audibly assaulted by how terrible that looks. Songs that were briefly popular 3-4 years ago? Penguins "Bringing sexy Back?" NOOOOO Thank you! No no no! Just no. I'll be depressed if PIB takes a bite out of the Muppet movie BO sure... but if a bunch of crappy hip hop animals that AREN'T even popular anymore makes a dent, I'll NEVER let it down. The only Penguins I want to see dance on the big screen are

... or maybe that disturbing one that Japanese Beer company did.... (PM me if you want to know)...
I hope everyone suffers 3-D fatigue from that one and sees good ol' fashion Muppets.