Why is no one also listing the DVD sales and rentals? They're just as important, if not MORE important than just the BO receipts, both here and overseas. Sure... I kinda wish it hit overseas bigger, but it didn't air everywhere yet (just most places). The main thing is, the film was a modest success that covered the budget in just over a week, the DVD sales are strong, and Disney already agreed to a follow up film which will no doubt see a slightly larger audience.Some people like to watch film grosses the same way that others like to gage sports statistics. It adds enjoyment to the experience of some fans. I'm one of them.I also like to see how audiences and critics perceive the outcome too. The fact that nearly half of the box office receipts for "The Muppets" have come from overseas markets will certainly shape the way they'll market subsequent Muppet projects. They're back and they're global. I'd still like to see how much. However, none of it means anything about the film's personal value.
As long as we're getting another movie and some other project to come means the movie did it's job. Even the sales of other Muppet movies and TV shows have been up since the film came out. The prices for the Palisades toys on amazon is through the roof. They were practically giving Uncle Deadly and Sweetums away at one point. A point I missed, of course...