My favorite cut to the Karaoke montage has to be without a doubt "Love Shack" by


! It was also hilarious seeing Pepe drunk while singing and again the next day at the meeting!
Kermit has worked with Piggy for So Long, he knows how to fix problems that she started. And I like that! It's kinda nice and old school to see Kermit treating his co-workers as co-workers like he used to on TMS and still treats them like his Best Friends at the same time. That's the Kermit we've always Knew and Loved!


at the meeting was Hilarious and who one that

had a thing for

!? Also, I really like what Julianne Buescher is doing with Yolanda Rat!

with out his glasses was weird, but Hilarious! and of course how can you not love

singing "Rapper's Delight"?
Like I said before, the show just keeps getting Better and Better each week!!!