The Muppets Episode 2 - Hostile Makeover

What did you think of "The Muppets" episode "Hostile Makeover"?

  • Absolutely positively! This episode was great!

  • Bork bork! This episode was good.

  • Mee mee. This episode was so-so.

  • You're all weirdos! This episode was disappointing.

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Muppet Master

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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I like how that characters on this show are really being fleshed out, I mean let's be honest, the secondary muppet characters have never really been given much to do, and even on TMS besides Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, Rowlf, Floyd, and Sam were fleshed out characters, everyone else barely appeared or were one note characters, there's nothing wrong with that, but with this show, we're seeing the muppets like we haven't since TMS, I mean the Newsman hasn't said this much in the over 30 years since the original TMS ended, and Bobo getting something to do since TM after his absence in MMW besides a brief cameo was great. Uncle Deadly getting lines, and scenes, he barely was in the original TMS, just great overall, I hope it continues to be this good, and Rowlf gets to be on the show.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2015
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If they'e going to feature characters from TMS I wanna see that one loud mouthed female whatnot from the "at the dance" segments.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2014
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I have been reading Jim"s bio for this last month, and the only real hard drugs Jim ever tried was LSD,and it was a one time thing. Jim was a very healthy man up to the very end of his life,and as far as I have seen and read he kept his body clean as well. Jim did not just hang out with George Lucas. He helped him with Empier Strikes Back,and George helped him with Labyrinth. Doing research is great but to assume that Jim was into drugs just because he worked with two of the biggest producers in Hollywood is stretching it a bit.
pot is not hard core, Alcohol and Tobacco are way more Hard core and Alcohol is way more of a gate way drug that most people who drink do so way to much like every night. most people I know who toke up do it Occasionally and when they do pot they are mellow as anything where as I know to many people some in my family who are mean drunks, and lets not get into the fact that Cigarettes have Chemicals in them that speed up the death process where as NO chemicals in Pot !!!!!!!!!!!!!

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I wish that "better than the first episode" was one of the poll options.

I thought this one was better than the first. So much clever-ness from Kermit.

Wow, Lips doesn't sound too different from the Barnyard Boogie number, and in both this and that, I thought he sounded a bit like Dr. Teeth, yet here he sounds more like Bill Baretta's Dr. Teeth. I wonder if Steve was able to remember what voice he used or if he had to rewatch the Barnyard Boogie number to refresh his memory.

I read about there being a scene with Gonzo and Chip, thought that was going to be in this episode. Guess it's in a later one (or else it was cut).

Surprised about Pepe's "gender is fluid" line. Pepe's the kind of character I would expect to be homophobic.

I wonder if Zoot will get dialogue in every episode.

I wondered if the shot of Lips wearing shades and a hat similar to what Zoot was wearing was supposed to have any significance, but it appears that's just one of those random no-reason wardrobe changes.

I expected the Muppets to be hiding under the desk to avoid Bobo's girl scout cookie sales. I was wrong.

The scene with Lawrence Fishbourne was funny.

I don't think any of the human characters from the first episode appear in this one.

I hope we get to see Rowlf's tavern soon. Though I kind of wish, if there is to be a tavern, that they created a new character to be the owner, and have Rowlf be involved with Piggy's show (but I guess there's no reason Rowlf can't occasionally play piano on her show).


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2011
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Another fantastic episode! Just as I mentioned last week... I can only see this show getting better & better as the weeks come. With that being said, Bobo the Bear is hilarious! I think he needs his own Late Night talk show too (just don't tell Piggy)!


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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It just occurred to me that Denise exists. When I wrote this, I completely forgot Kermit was dating anyone! I'm really surprised she wasn't in this episode. You'd think they'd want to give the new character a lot of screen time so people don't forget her.

Thanks. :smile:
I think part of what made this episode so enjoyable was the fact that Denise wasn't there.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2006
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In the first episode I thought that was Alice Dinnean performing Yolanda, but after seeing the 2nd episode I can tell that it was Julianne Buescher, who also performs Denise.