The Countdown has begun

Oct 4, 2004
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To tell everyone. I'm NOT incharge of the Muppet Site. I just help design it.

GelflingWaldo said:
Originally the site countdown to the new said the site would be up on:
October 26, 2004 at 05:55:54 AM Greenwich Mean time (GMT)

Strangly on the night of October 25, 2004 (only a few hours before the site should have launched) the counter jumped back to show a new release date for the site. The new counter says the site will launch on:

November 16, 2004 at 12:56:41 PM Greenwich Mean time (GMT)

Now, almost 24-hours after the orignal countdown said the site should have been up on the web and ready for visitors to explore and enjoy the countdown remains counting down the middle of November.
You are correct.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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see no anser hummm thats odd.

Ok yea i know im sounding a little upset but hey i really am upset. As a muppet fan for over 20 some years i deserver a little more respect then what this muppet holding compony is giving, not just to me but to all of us.
For all basic reason they lied to us, and that hurts escaly when we really dont know why. All i want know is just an explanation thats it then i wont feel so hurt. I dont understand all the secrecy over there it's not right. We need a Press Relaeas an e mail or somthing i dont care just a progress report is that to much to ask. :crazy:


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2004
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I agree, I would really like to just hear a "we're sorry". It is like they are unable to admit they made a mistake and if they ignore it maybe we'll forget. Please.. all we want to an apology and explination. We aren't demanding the site, we are demanding some respect.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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yea thats right respect if we where just new to the muppets this would be a majoir and i do mean majoir turn off.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Ok i have been doing some thinking about all this, and have some things to say.

Frist off to the person who says they work with muppet holding i just want to let you know that me and everyone on here is not mad or upset at you. I really dont think there is much you could do about it so i really dont blame you at all. I do however think its not very fair or nice of you and your empolyer to not be open with us as fans. We are always open and honest on here. Face it if you want a review on anything from Muppets then just come to this wonderfull site. We have a wide range of people on this site who have ethier loved the muppets for years and years or have just recantly joined the big ol' muppet fan family.

Speaking of the fans on this site. We love the muppets alot of us come to this site just about everyday to talk all about muppets and so forth. We love to hear of new things from the muppets and look all through the world wide web to find it. We saw the NEW MUPPETS.COM and got really exited, Some more than others (I was one who was really exited.) about when this site would be up in the FALL OF 2004.
Then we got just a little closer to MUPPETS.COM with the so wonderfully built countdown clock down to the last second of when the site would be up. Some fans made that the highlight of there day (Me agine) but where in for quite a shock. A few hours befor the site was suppost to be up the clock changes back to 21 days. Now what is going on!!!!!! We waited for a whole month and all we get is Anamil poping up ugg.
I know you all at MH can do a little better then this i mean you all havent even said your sorry. Why whats so wrong that you cant tell us or do you think we might not understand hummm. please somone tell me.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2004
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GelflingWaldo said:
I agree, I would really like to just hear a "we're sorry". It is like they are unable to admit they made a mistake and if they ignore it maybe we'll forget. Please.. all we want to an apology and explination. We aren't demanding the site, we are demanding some respect.
I agree. :smile: