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The Muppets At the Fun Fair

Mo Frackle

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
Hey, not bad! I like the idea of the Muppets winding up at a really cheap amusement park. "Hole ON TRACK!!!", nice cliffhanger!

A couple of points I would make, since the Muppets are American, £2.00 should be changed to $2.00 (unless they're living elsewhere at this point?). Also, you mention "the man was a skinny hunchback". You should specify who "the man" is. Is he the guy who runs the rollercoaster?

Mister Muppet

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
Hey, not bad! I like the idea of the Muppets winding up at a really cheap amusement park. "Hole ON TRACK!!!", nice cliffhanger!

A couple of points I would make, since the Muppets are American, £2.00 should be changed to $2.00 (unless they're living elsewhere at this point?). Also, you mention "the man was a skinny hunchback". You should specify who "the man" is. Is he the guy who runs the rollercoaster?
thanks glad you like it also thanks for reminding about the pound's should be dollar's bit and the man is the guy who runs the rollercoaster

Mister Muppet

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
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here's chapter 3
So as the rollercoaster headed down towards the hole all the muppets then grabbed on to each other in terror.Just then dr teeth came up with a idea he said "everyone i have a plan, when we reach the hole we all grab on to each other and animal will bite the track "
so when the they reached the hole they all jumped and grabbed each other's legs as animal bit into the track, fozzie then asked " umm how long are we going to be here, my arm's are getting tired ". Meanwhile rowlf, bunsen beaker were making there way to the ghost train
when they arrived at the ghost train it looked scarier than it was supposed too, after being left in bad conditions for years.Rowlf then said" are you sure we should go on this ? "
bunsen replied "dont worry mister rowlf we could always send beakie in first "
"mi,mi,mi " replied beaker in distress
"it's okay " said rowlf " lets just go on "
so they brought there tickets and got in the cart, it was old and grimey
it went through along really not scary at all tunnel " this is rubbish " said rowlf
then suddenly as they turned round the corner there was a sighn at the end, it read stop cart track not finished.AAAHHH shreaked the muppets all apart from beaker who just shouted a long mmmmiiiiiiiiiiiii, the cart went smack through the wall.The cart was riding uncontrolaby just then the cart went under the roller coaster hole and fozzie, gonzo and the rest dropped into the carts " hey it looks like you got here just in time " said gonzo, camilla agreeging with him. "Now lets go get kermit and the others " said bunsen with the rest of the muppets agreeing they set off to save them
will post next chapter soon hope you enjoy this one :wink::smile:

Mister Muppet

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
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here's the next chapter
Meanwhile at the tunnel of love kermit, miss piggy, floyd and janice were just getting on. The tunnel of love was a rusty old pink building there was a old swan boat to get on as it went down a grimey track of water, as they got on floyd said
"hey you guy's are sure you wanna go on this, it doesn't look to safe ?"
"it should be safe floyd let's just get on " replied kermit
so they went an sat in the old swan it started up and moved along, the walls inside were even dirtier than the outside janice then said
" like i thought this was gonna be romantic"
miss piggy replied " so did moi but this is far from romantic "
just then kermit looked down into the boat only to see a bucket load of water over his feet . He then looked down closer and noticed a hole in the boat he looked back up and exclaimed " THERE'S A HOLE IN THE BOAT!!!!! "
WHAT !? exclaimed the rest of the muppet's in the boat
Elsewhere fozzie, gonzo, rowlf and the rest where in the cart still riding around the park gonzo then said " look i can see rizzo and pepe over there "
so dr teeth then turned the cart in that direction and headed there to rescue them. At the hot dog stand rizzo and pepe were buying themselves a hot dog
" ill have a hot dog please okay " said pepe to the hot dog vendor he then replied " you must be joking "
"no i am not " said pepe " ill have one as well " said rizzo
" fine then " said the vendor handing them a green bun with a slime covered sausage in. Just before they could take a bite of there disguisting snacks the cart went past and bunsen and beaker snatched up rizzo and pepe and dropped them in the cart " now to rescue the rest of the gang " said rowlf
Back at the tunnel of love the swan boat had half it know under the water janice, floyd, miss piggy and kermit had all climbed to the other end of the boat just then kermit slipped and let go but before he could fall in the water miss piggy mangaged to grab his hand. Miss piggy then said " kermie i can't hold on for much longer "
sorry chapter four has took so long to come out i have been very busy lately
i will be posting the next and final chapter soon :wink::smile:

Mister Muppet

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
here's the last chapter
So as kermit was left dangling over the grimey water track with miss piggy's hand starting to let go kermit then said " i'm gonna fall ! "
as he fell towards the grimey water he closed his eyes and waited to hear a splash, but he didn't hear a splash.So he decided to open only to find himself on a another swan boat with walter, scooter and robin on .Robin then said in relief " uncle kermit your okay "
" what happend you guys " replied kermit
" you were about to fall straight into this dirty water and i just managed to cath you before you did " said scooter.Walter then helped miss piggy, floyd and janice on to the boat just in time as the other one went straight under, miss piggy runned straight over to kermit gave him a hug and said " oh kermie thank goodness your safe i thought were gone forever " kermit replied
" hey its ok im alright im not gone so don't worry " miss piggy started to cheer up then .Floyd then said " how did you dude's get here ? "
" well it all started at the helter skelter " explained walter he then went on to explain that at the helter skelter they had gone to the top and were about to slide down when suddenly the whole helter skelter, had started shaking when they realised it was to fall to pieces they quickly run . Back out of the helter skelter just before it had came crashing down then realising that the place was dangerous had straight to come and get the rest.Kermit then said " well let's go get the others and get out of here " with the rest agreeing they set the boat back of to get out of there.As they got out of the tunnel of love kermits mobile went off he answered it was fozzie he said " kermit are you ok this place is dangerous " kermit replied " yes im fine fozzie ive got scooter, miss piggy, floyd, janice, walter and robin with me do you need help ? "
fozzie replied " no ive got all the others with me, we will meet you at the exit of the fair to get out of here " kermit replied " okay bye " he turned offhis phone as him and the others made there way to the exit.They made it to the exit when suddenly the manager jumped in front of them and said " im not gonna let you leave we have'nt had costomers for 2 year's now and were not letting you go " Just then fozzie and the gang came rushing round the corner in the cart and run over the managers foot so kermit and gang runned past and out when the manager was injured, making it to the bus and getting out of there and as they drived a way from there pepe joked " hey who wants to go next weekend " NO !!!! " said the rest of the muppets all together.
this is the fan fic sadly at the end:frown: but i would like to thank everyone for the comments they made and the advice given :wink::smile: