Sometimes it's about availability. I LOVE how on the UHF commentary Weird Al actually calls someone (I wanna say Michael Richards) and he does the commentary from a phone.
Actually it was Victoria Jackson they called on the phone. I recall that the Monsters, Inc. commentary also included a phone call with somebody.
So glad we're getting deleted scenes. Wondered if we'd get the two music videos, guess we're not but at least we're getting an extended version of "Forget You" as an easter egg (I wonder if Camilla laid that easter egg).
When I first saw that the documentary was called "Scratching the Surface", I wondered if maybe that meant they'd talk about all the characters they had felt they needed to include (and maybe that will be part of it), or perhaps testing the Muppet fan knowledge of the writers and director (actually, if a feature like that was done, I'd like it to be hosted by either Steve Swanson, Ryan of The Muppet Mindset, or Ryan and Joe of Tough Pigs, but I'm sure it's too late).
So 8 deleted scenes, in addition to known extended scenes. I wonder how many deleted scenes we've seen parts of in the trailers.