The Muppet Newsflash 2.0


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2004
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This is a Muppet Newsflash...

If you are a regular visitor of "The Muppet Newsflash", then you may notice things look a bit different on the site over there. As part of the ongoing effort to make "The Muppet Newsflash" better, the site has gotten a bit of a face-lift. There are new features, new menus, a new layout, and even a new color scheme. There has also been a lot of upgrading "behind the scenes", which should allow the blog to run better and you should find things even more efficient and easy to use.

So feel head over and browse around – we have several convenient links in the navigation bar located at the top of the page (right below the picture of Kermit). We also have a new "Coming Soon" listing on the side bar so you can keep up with all the upcoming merchandise and events. And we are running a visitor poll (and will get a new one each month) which allows you to vote on very important issues (this month is a battle of the Fraggles, as we ask you which Fraggle is your favorite). There are a lot of other goodies included in the upgrade (and more to come) so look around and be sure to keep checking back.

If you have any comments, questions, concerns, or ideas that you would like to share about the site, please let me know – I would love to hear from you. So please feel free to post a comment, message me or just drop me an e-mail. The site is there to serve you, so let me know what you want and how I'm doing. I always love to get reader feedback. Also, if for whatever reason any aspect of new site isn't working or appearing properly in your browser, please let us know so we can address any problems that may have been overlooked during the upgrade.

And, as always, more great Muppet news is on the way.



Well-Known Member
May 20, 2005
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Ithink you should go with the puppets and not the cartoons. I also think you should use the Sesame Street newsflash logo for your logo with reporter Kermit next to it on the right and the muppet newsman to the left of it. You could also make the site look like the Muppet Newsflash set.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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Wonderful job! I like the look of it a lot.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Great design! I very much liked the simplicity of your original site, and the new version incorporates the best of the old with some new glossiness and better ease of use. Again, great job! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2004
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It looks more professional and less like a blogger template, which is really good. Nice new colour scheme, simple but bright and attractive. I'm kind of worried about the cartoon Kermit logo, hope Disney won't nail you on that (at least reporter Kermit is from SS). I like the poll idea a lot, very cool!

I think you used to have the names of the articles on the side, where you could click it, and they were in chronological order, and now you have the months instead, is that correct? I kind of like seeing the titles there, because I didn't have to click the month to find out there's nothing I want to read about there. But it's not that huge of a difference, it's still super organised and pretty much everything current is on the main page anyway, so it makes more sense this way.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2004
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Thanks again for the feedback. One thing I was really trying to do with the redesign was keep things neat and simple. One aspect I really loved about the original design was how simple it was. I wanted to keep things neat and free of clutter and junk. I hate sites that are a jumbled mess of stuff and full of all kinds of filler and other gadgets that just clutter things up for no real reason. It was a challenge to keep things simple and eye pleasing while not going overboard with all sorts of graphics and other bells and whistles.

It I'm kind of worried about the cartoon Kermit logo, hope Disney won't nail you on that (at least reporter Kermit is from SS).
Well, even though Reporter Kermit is best known from his work on Sesame Street, the character is Disney owned (Sesame needs to get Disney's permission to use Reporter Kermit or even to feature his existing footage on any video releases). However the old logo wasn’t from Sesame Street – it was a picture of Kermit from the Great Muppet Caper (which is totally Disney owned).

However regardless of the character's ownership, I actually got permission from Disney for what I do. I've talked with people at Disney and got written clearance for the site so I don't have to fear going to jail for the images or trademarks used on the site or in my reporting. I've been told what I can and can't do (and I'm sure if I ever cross the line they'll let me know and I’ll have to cut it out). I try very hard to respect the copyrights and keep a good relationship with the big guys.

I think you used to have the names of the articles on the side, where you could click it, and they were in chronological order, and now you have the months instead, is that correct? I kind of like seeing the titles there, because I didn't have to click the month to find out there's nothing I want to read about there..
Well I use to have the five most recent headlines on the sidebar (but I removed that about a year ago) Aside from the archive by month/year we also have the subject sorting too. The thought was that the 5 recent headlines just pushed the side bar content down and being that the 5 most recent news stories (actually the 15 most recent) are already on the main page anyway you can see the latest 15 stories just by scrolling (and if you reach the bottom of the page you can go back further by paging back by using the “older posts” link to see the next 15 posts). Now if you go to the articles section, you’ll see all the articles listed on that sidebar. If people really want to see the “Recent Headlines” section back on the sidebar I could easily put in back on there, but it would mean having the sidebar content pushed down even further.