*To Isabelle: Yeah, he's going off to find Christy. The crazy thing is he's thinking of flying down to Antarctica. Well... The last time we heard from Sis and Grandma, they were trekking down the Amazon. And that was about a couple of weeks ago. Who knows where they are now, maybe still in Brazil, maybe not. The point is, they've been circling the globe from Europe to Russia to the Caribbean to Brazil. Given that trajectory, I hardly think Christy would be the type of person to head on down to the frozen continent at the bottom of the world. No, it's probable she headed from the Amazon to Austrailia and from there back up to China. But I can't be sure of that until we get another postcard from her or a phone call or something.
Heh, she always one to cover her tracks. Just remembering the fun we had when we... er, visited that Muppet warehouse last year.
Oh well, gonna make some breakfast for us and the girls. Hope the other package I'm hexpecting arrives today.