In the Van...
Otally: Now he sleeps like a baby again...
Donald: He is a baby isn't he?
Otally: *frowns*
Rosa: Now Donald just concentrate on driving, driving is good just DRIVE!!
Donald: Typical. Just because you're the real stupid character, you are to be the one to drive, hmrf, mutter, grr...
Lana: So what's next?
Rosa: You know that Lana.
Lana: Yeah, but the audience doesn't.
Rosa: Oh. Right. Otally, take it away...
Otally: Music girls! *Music starts playing*
We don't want to rub every single bank
Or steal all gold on earth
We don't wanna hurt anyone
Or have everything that's worth
gang: Wha?
Otally: Well it rhymes!
gang: Right.
World domination is far beyond
our wildest, madest dream
We just want peace, and love and
Gang: Sure thing, indeed!
So turning all gold in the world into puppies is our goal
Cause we know the sorce to all badness is money - so hard and cold
When everybody has a puppy instead of a merciless silverplate
Then gone will be all evilness, and sorrow, despair and hate
But oops and oh we forgot a little important thing
Since we don't have magic powers we can't do anything but sing
But now that we have Viq, our "beloved little boy"
He can, and will, want to help us
creating our "Happiness and joy"
So when he's fetched us all the gold from The Big National Bank
And turned the rest into puppies, we will have the highest rank
And everybody will beg us make those puppies disappear
But will we do it, nah not until a certain thing is clear
We are the masters of the world, the king, the queen Hoorayss!
We're gonna live in luxury to the end of our days!
And little cutey babyViq, well thank you for your help
But now you are no use so bye to you, adiou, farewell (p)
Rosa: P?
Otally: It gotta rhyme...