The Moppet Family: The Reunion


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Hi Guys! Beau's locked outta MC again as you all know. So until we can catch each other...ya'll are stuck wondering what happens next. So if anyone sees him around tell him to email me a final copy of the story! That and make that silly phone call to get his computer fixed. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Sorry about the double post....but you do want more story don't you? That and I'd like to thank Vibs for helping me with this next part a bit. Even though she was really confused when I wouldn't give her many details. :smile: Hope you like how it turned out girl!

Chapter Twenty-Four Restored

A wide, chubby little grin slid across Jana's face and she tugged and pulled at Vic's tight grip on her. With one swift jerk she yanked her hand away and frowned up at her older brother. She gazed at the disappearing back of the man Vic had whispered was her Father. "I know!" she'd whispered back.

Everyone else was stunned to stillness, but Jana tiptoed from the circle of family and friends, moving to the spot where her Momma lay still. It was her turn to help. If she only knew how. She leaned her head over to listen to maybe find any sign of breath from her Mother. A light tap on her shoulder interrupted her, "I'm kinda busy here."

"Excuse me, who are you? And what are you doing to our Mum?" Viq looked curiously at the new stranger.

"I'm Jana. You must be my older brother Viq, and you must be my older sister Vibs. Momma told me all about you two," Jana stated and turned her back on the twins.

"Do you believe her?" Viq whispered to Vibs.

"No, do you?" Vibs whispered back.

"Wow Vibs... if we had a little sister that would mean that..."

Vibs muttered under her breath, "She would kick me outta my part as the cute little girl of the family - she would steal everything and everybody - SHE would be a living nightmare - IT would be a DISASTER!!"

Viq wasn't paying attention to his twin at all. Jana looked over her shoulder, seriously reconsidering whether she'd like being related to these two. Viq kept going on and on about being a big brother, "I'd finally have somebody younger than me in the family! Somebody to protect! Somebody to teach how to build cities out of pipe cleaners - somebody to comfort - I would be... a big brother!"

Vibs rolled her eyes at Jana, "Poor You. You are not, our little sister are you? Get real."

Jana suddenly grew impatient. They were in the way and she needed to hurry, but still, they were her siblings, "Yes, I am. Momma told me all about you two."

Vibs popped herself into a detective outfit complete with soap bubble pipe, "Who is your mum and how do you know she's your mum?"

Viq was still stuck in his own little world, "Football, all brothers play football! Football..."

Vibs snapped her fingers and some tape appeared on Viq's mouth, "And in that case how do you know she's telling you the truth?"

Jana sighed and glared at the girl. "My Momma who is your Momma is lying right there! I know all about you two. Momma took me to see you one night while everyone was asleep. You have a crush on Jack over there. And you turned Viq into a beaver and told him to make you a popcorn Barbie something or other. Now if you'll excuse me I'm very busy."

Vibs began painicking. Jana was telling the truth. She had to convince her that she was wrong, "Are you feeling alright? Maybe you have a fever? Oh you seem very very hot! Open your mouth!"

Off to the side Viq muttered something about not knowing Math. Jana swatted Vibs's hand away, "Heeeyyyy, I feel fine. Momma's the one in trouble. Not to mention Viq is. I think he's about to pass out."

Vibs tried to study Jana's tongue. "Yes. I thought so.. it's red! Your tongue is red as a rose, and your eyes - there are small black things inside the circles of color of your eyes inside the white. Which means you have the..err..thee..err coconuttieriza. It means you're seeing and hearing things."

Jana rolled her eyes, "I think you need a nap right now."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"I'm not sleepy."

"Yes you are. You both are."

"But I'm not slee....." Vibs said while plopping on the ground. Off to the side Viq snored and muttered about not knowing math.

Jana rolled her eyes. She looked down at her hand and smiled.

"Didn't know you could do that huh?" Adam said kneeling down beside Jana.

"Well no I didn't. I guess, hi, you're Momma's brother Adam," Jana looked curiously up at the stranger.

"That I am. I can see that you must be Jana. I guess your Mother told you about me."

"Ummhmmm...and everyone else. Although, she said you couldn't see, but you're looking right at me. Then you cried when you saw Momma lying on the ground and when you saw the kittens over there. If you can't see then how did you know where to look?"

Adam picked up the little girl as he sat down on the ground. For a moment he held her tight and felt Christy in her. Christy had given him his sight back and the rest to this little girl, "You see Jana. Your Mom was special. Just like me and the twins right there."

"I understand go on."

"You are just like her! Anyways Randall over there..."

"Was stealing everyone away and taking their special gifts to take over the world."

"How did you know that?"

"I don't know I just do."

"Oh that's right. Anyways, he was stealing life force away from your Cousin Grey over there and the Fairy Godmother wherever she is, and everyone else. Your Mother when she died gave her life force, her powers to you."

Jana hugged her Uncle Adam and looked into his eyes, "That's why you can see! She gave her eyes to you. Now I understand why they're blue, because Momma said they were another color. That's not important though. I want Momma back. Can you get her back?"

"No but you can."

"Me??" Jana squealed and glanced back over to her Mother's body, "Will
you help me?"

"Of course." Adam replied. He look around. His wife was looking into his eyes, telling him silently to go ahead and do it, reaching towards him with her gaze. The kittens frowned slightly, curious, questioning. Adam broke away from their looks, turned to his sister. Bringing her back would mean losing his vision again. But that brave, crazy, wildcat woman was needed in this family much more than he needed the ability to see. Adam took Jana's hand and they placed it over Christy's heart. He leaned forward and told her the words to say, hoping it would work. It was one in a million chance.

Seconds ticked and slowly Adam's vision grew blurrier and blurrier. He spun to stare at Izzy until she faded into shadow once more. He closed his eyes, no need to keep them open, and left his hand upon Christy's chest as it slowly began to rise and fall. Silent tears fell as he felt her labored breath return.

Jana squealed and threw her arms around her Uncle's neck. "It worked! It really worked! Why isn't she waking up though? Why is she still there sleeping?"

"Well I'll be darned. After what that bull headed idiot did to her she won't live without him. Come on Jana. It's time to deal with your Father," Adam stood up and took Jana's hand.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Ooooh, love it.

Mairin: She's alive!

I knew she'd pull through...well I didn't know, but I knew, ya know?

Mairin: Ri-ight...More story please!

Yeah, I only have one day left!

(Christy, would you like to read what I have of Mairin's story so far? Beau has...but I'm always up for more then one opinion...and since Lisa isn't here...and you are the Co-founder of MopFam...LMK)


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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I would love too, but Beau has already sent it too me. I'll read it and get back to you though. I got bad news for you RD....we're shooting for a Wednesday restart date. It's not set in stone, but you'll be gone. Also remember guys, Mother's alive but in a coma-like state.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thank you Christy... This was the best chapter of all. Not just because my character was in it... Baby Jana got her chance to shine, and now we gotta deal with her bull-headed father.
Funny how Viq and Vibs each deal with the addition of Jana to the family. Funny how you referenced my question about the eye color and Vibs' bit about the popcorn Barbie something or other.

The best part of all, Christy Moppet's back with us... At least, partially...
The most beautiful part of this chapter is something I'm considering making my new sigline, a sentiment echoed by my own mom that you managed to capture here quite perfectly.

Please... Post more soon.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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christyb said:
I would love too, but Beau has already sent it too me. I'll read it and get back to you though.
I figure as much...just wanted to be sure...

christyb said:
I got bad news for you RD....we're shooting for a Wednesday restart date. It's not set in stone, but you'll be gone.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Doom. Oh well, I guess I'll start when I get back...


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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The Count said:
Funny how Viq and Vibs each deal with the addition of Jana to the family. Funny how you referenced my question about the eye color and Vibs' bit about the popcorn Barbie something or other.
Mother: All I can say is that I'm not technically back until the story is finished
Me: So those were free game to use. :smile:

The Count said:
The most beautiful part of this chapter is something I'm considering making my new sigline, a sentiment echoed by my own mom that you managed to capture here quite perfectly.
What line is that? I'd love to know.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Could have some possibilities.
1 Since The Moppet would be restarting, we have to introduce the characters again... And that takes time, so when you get back, that could be the reintroduction point for Mairin Moore.
Or... Mairin's sudden departure could be a plotpoint for whatever other story a MopFamFic member/author's got cooking... Maybe you yourself.
Hope this helps.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Mmm... To use one of Lisa's lines.
You got me, oh... About here, stabbed me right here.
Jana: "That's why you can see! She gave her eyes to you."

And you might wanna take care of those quotation marks, helps let someone know when one character's finished talking and the dialogue switches to the next.
Just a friendly tip, though the story's almost over... So no major worries though.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Well I'm only going to be gone 10 days, not even...It's not like the months I was gone before...<shrug> I don't know, my story has only just been hatched...I might be able to fit it in at the end...Dang it! I'm already thinking about how to do it. Thanks a lot! haha...I'm so subject to whims...:smile: