The Moppet Family: The Reunion


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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She's back by not so popular demand! (LoL and no I really haven't changed) And with the help of our currently having technical difficulties Beauregard....We have the story of what was truely brewing behind this seasons troubled episodes, including the mysterious dissapearences of Mairin, Grey, and Jack, and the myterious reappearence of Evil Kyle, covering the insanity of Vic, and the true reason that Mother dissapeared, died, and will be reappearing soon.So I give you *drumroll* The Reunion. Please read and comment. One hitch though...there is to be no roleplay during the story. When we're done then the thread will open back up. Until then you get to sit back and relax. Beau and I will take care of it. *cue evil laughter* Okay so on to the story and the question on everyone's mind...yes I've had my caffiene this morning!


A long time ago a small young family went into hiding to create a better life for their young son. Hundreds of enemies had been crossed and double-crossed and wouldn't hesitate to destroy them and their entire family. Their son was young, so they left that way off life and became an average family. The husband was perfectly happy, a good job, a beautiful wife, a fine strapping young boy who idolized him, and a young pup that managed to get in the way. He never wanted his old self back, that old self was dead. The wife, however, she was a dying breed. Salt and rebellion lay in her veins. As much as she loved her family it grieved her to know her little boy would never know who he really was.
So in order to keep the secret safe she would tell him a story, after he scrambled onto his bed and under the covers, after he finished playing peek-a-boo, and after the dog leapt on the bed, circles three time and settled in for the night…And she would stroke the boy's hair, and tell a story…
“Remember, a sailor sails southwest for one sole reason. To hide his booty, his treasure. The southwest is full of wonderful hiding spots. Spots that a pirate could hole out in for years without being hidden.
With all the beautiful tropical islands, none were good enough for two. A she-pirate and her man. They were smart. They were the best. These two stole from whomever they wanted and whenever. Before a ship even knew, the two pirates were already gone with whatever valuables the vessel may have had. They were hunted by the world, so no normal island would do for a hiding spot. They created their own. How did they do that? Well if you’ll stop squirming I’ll tell you.
As I said, they were smart. Some would say that that she-pirate even held the keys to some sort of magical power, and certainly he could build anything a person could ever need. So together, all alone, they created a place to hide the loot of the world. A wealth like none other you have ever seen. Treasures of tens of thousands of kings are stored in one place. However, not anyone could enter, and the journey to this Forgotten Isle was deadly unless you knew the way. Only two know the way. Only two know how to enter. Any others will surely perish trying.
Calm down, Son. Do you want me to tell the story or do you? Of course, I’ll tell you the way. Sail, my little one. Sail southwest until you reach the bluest spot of the sea. You’ll know when you’ve arrived by the stillness. The wind in your sails will die and the sun will become unbearingly hot. Then jump from your starboard side into the ocean. The cool of the water will calm the heat from the sun. After the burning has ceased take a deep breath then dive. Yes underwater. Swim down until your legs are about to fall off. There lies an underwater cave. Go through it. Keep swimming along the cave until your lungs burn like fire from the lack of air. When the pain becomes unbearable look up. There lies a small hole. Go upward into it. Three feet up is a hole of clean fresh air. Enjoy it for a moment. Your journey has only begun.
As you look around you’d find yourself in a cave still yet under the surface. Jump onto the shore of the beach around you. Even the adventurous will be amazed at the sight of an underground where there is no land. Look around and you’ll see a bright white light coming from the ceiling among rocks. Be sure to run and climb quick and fast toward the light for if you don’t….
Yes, son. the monster. Adventurous one beware for you are in the lair of the Criakian. What is that? Oh just the ugliest, scariest thing alive. It had the hard scales of an insect and a hundred legs. Two gigantic claws reached out to crush you. The monster’s eyes glow an eerie yellow that sees straight into your soul. If you meet this monster don’t look at its eyes. They’ll hypnotize you in an instant and that’ll be your end. Head for the monster’s tail. The tail of a thousand poisonous horns. Grab your sword and cut right where the tail meets the body. For this is the monster’s only weak point. Cutting the tail will kill it for the heart lies there. After your battle go back to the white light and climb too it.
Upon reaching the surface you find a wondrous tropical oasis. Keep watch my little adventurer. For this island is a demon. It can see inside of you and the jungle will become your worst fears. The trap is set there to stop the faint of heart. Keep going down the straight narrow jungle path. Don’t let your feet leave that small dirt path. The jungle is a deadly labyrinth of tigers, jaguars, wolves, snakes, and every other thing you can think of.
At the end is the treasure the loot you came for the…..”
And her husband, not the man from the story for he was dead, appeared in the doorway. “He’s asleep dear. Don’t you think you’ll give him nightmares with that story of yours?”
Kissing her son and ruffling the dog’s fur she joined her husband, “Never, he’s made of tough stuff. He’s off battling that monster right now.”
“I'm sure he is. Are you coming to bed soon?”? And with that the young couple would exit off to their own room. A story left unfinished. For there’s always two parts to a journey. With a way in there has to be a way out. However, someone never quite heard that part…


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Awesome!!! I have been looking forward to this for quite sometime now! I'm so excited it's finally up! Bring on more, I'm on the edge of my seat now! Great beginning!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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LoL. That's the point. Although you might wanna invest on a bigger seat. You're gonna fall off before we barely get started. Just as a hint though. Don't forget the bedtime story. :smile: Beau and I decided that going on ahead and posting will give us the push that we so desperately need to finish writing the story. So everyone MopFam members and wandering admirers alike. Let us know what you think!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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What do I think? Why didn't I hear it was posted earlier/sooner?!?
A great beginning to what promises to be a grand reunion tale... Maybe I'll...
This is just what we needed around here. *Calling all the old guard from the Moppet days... Yes Femme, tell PeaPea and DanDan.
Hey Grandma K... Now where's that fairy gotten to...

Please post more, if not for our sakes then for your own once a certain Chicagoan gets wind of the tale you've started.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Grandma K: My darlings!Ooohh....I've missed you!Now come give Granny hugs.*purring with happiness*


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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IT'S FANTASTICABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But ain't it just my luck that you guys finally start posting eight days before I leave town. <Sigh.> I'll have to delegate the nagging duties for while I'm gone... But anyway!

The bed time story is sooo incredible, and mystifying, and mesmerizing... Oh, it gives me shivers!


Ann: Please, pretty please?
Tabby: <acting out a sword fight with the monster>
Kelly: ...Tabby?...
Tabby: What? <stops> Oh. <sits next to Kelly> More please!
Kelly: More please!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Eight days hmm..boy that presents a problem seeing as there are only sixish chapters that are ready to post. Boy it I need to get to bookin' it. Then again...Beeeaaauuuuu your half needs to speed up here. :smile: (Even if he can't see this.)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Eight? I meant nine! Oops. One of those numbers. Still, I won't be around for long...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Any message you want I shoulds pass along to Bo? Just in case I run into him later in the afternoon over at CMX.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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None in particular. Except if he could lemme know at what pace he wants to post at that'd be nice. The only thing is if you could pass along that this has started to the other MopFam members I'd appreciate it. I've been gone so long I dunno who plays what. I just know who is who. Speaking of which as a general FYI if anyone reading this later on goes huh? I do have a "complete" character list that I typed up for myself that might be helpful.