"The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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At the moppet house

Viq: *Kicks in door in the moppet house* *stares at own foot in disbelief* Why, why, why would I do that? *walks through hallway and into the kitchen. Sits down on floor. Begins to count the lot of money from his pocket...*


Out at sea somewhere

Vibs: *has collapsed and fainted from being too active, magicwise. Wakes up...* Euurrrh, where... am ... I? *looks around through foggy eyes* A... pirate... ship? *passes out again - mumbles spells in her sleep*

*Suddenly a ship in the distance can be seen, heading towards the ship on which our protagonists are standing...*


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Hevej: Behold! A ship in the distance can be seen, heading towards the ship on which we protagonists are standing! Aye!


At home...

Father: Viq-tor, I really don't wanna know where you got that money from, young man. But as your father, I must demand a tithe of 15%...


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Viq: *looks at father* Oh, oka dadd-... *Little mini devil-viq pops up and sits on Viq's shoulder*

Evil Shoulder-Viq: Are you crazy? You earned this money, it's yours alone! You don't wanna lose 15% of your money, that's.... *calculates* ... a lot!

Viq: ...y, you aren't gonna get a single dolla-... *Little mini angel-viq pops up and sits on Viq's shoulder*

Good Shoulder-Viq: Don't listen to him! Viq, you got those money from stuff that was actually your father's! If anything, you should demand giving him at least 30% of what you have there.

Viq: ...r, I'm gonna get you at least 30% of-...

Evil Shoulder-Viq: It may be his, but he should take better care of it! Besides, he'd do the same. Has he ever given you anything? I say you give him nothing back! I say you demand getting at least 20 dollars pocket money a week!

Viq: ... nothing! I think you, dad, should get me 20 dollars-...

Good Shoulder-Viq: No, no, no Viq! Isn't giving you life enough already?

Evil Shoulder-Viq: pff, he wasn't even the one being pregnant or anything! I say you take all of his money and run away! NOW!

Good Shoulder-Viq: Oh my, don't do that! Viq, you are a nice guy. I - *glances at Father* - wait is THAT him? I know his Good Shoulder-Bo, he's
an unbearable daft imbecile! I say take all of your dad's money, frame him for robbery and use your magic-powers to make him tea-intolerant.

Viq: *Confused. Looks at Father* .... Mine. *Frowns, very cutely*


Out at sea somewhere on a ship

Vibs: Look daddy, there's a flag! *points* It's got a... s-s-skull! P-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-pirat-t-t-tes-s-s...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Hevej: *to Vibs* Certain things ye should know, lass, one I ain't your father. Two, that pirate flag is mine, mine, all mine. Three....the ship approaching looks like it belongs to the PIGS, or Pirate Investigators...Four, chocolate is healthy.


Father: *stares at Viq* *stares at cup of tea in hand* *stares at wallet in Viq's hand* *sips tea* *collapses*


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Viq: *Looks at father... thinks...* Should I do something to make him wake up? Is he dead? Would he notice if I took his newly made chocolate sandwhich? Am I going to get a moustache when I grow up?

Evil and Good Shoulder-Viqs: TAKE HIS MONEY AND RUN!

Viq: Quiet you two! ... *thinks* How does he keep his hair so neat? Should I get a haircut? [...]


Out at sea somewhere

Vibs: Chocolate is healthy? *thinks... smiles happily* - *shakes head* wait, you're a pirate? Wait, you're a pirate and those are pirate investigators? That's... bad...

*From the other ship, which is pretty close right now*
: Oye! Ye pirates, we have come to capture you, deprive you of your freedom and most likely put you in jail. If you go without a fuzz, we will get you chocolate.

Vibs: - Which is healthy! wait, I gotta snap outta that!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Voice calling out: Chocolate is healthy! It helps you sleep at night! It attracts whatever boy or girlfriend you're after! Avast, we be of the Chocolate Sailors, making this a healthy chocolaty world!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Back at the Moppets........

Grey: I hope he'll be ok here.

Yakky: Isn't that what that doctor said?

Biggy: Yep. *lays Kyle on Vic's old bed*

Shelly: I think he'll be fine.

Yakky: I hope so.

Marry: Come on Grey. Let's get back to the school.

Winny: Yeah. We don't want our teachers to send us to the dungon for being off campus.

Shelly: Yea especially out for two days. That would be sooooo horriable. Like you know what i mean? *keeps talking*

Everyone looks at Shelly

Grey: Ok.

Shelly keeps on talking

Marry: Ok Shelly. We understand.

Shelly: *keeps on talking*

Winny: Shelly?

Shelly: *still talking*


Shelly: What?

Everyone: We get the point!

Shelly: Don't have to be harsh.

Grey: You two call me if something comes up.

Yakky: You can count on us.

Biggy: *salute*

Grey: Ok. Here we go.

Grey, Winny, Shelly and Marry poof in a puff of smoke

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Upon delivering Kyle into the arms of his two fond friends, Yakey and Biggy, all seems to be quiet for the moment as we await to find out how the former boy next door will convalesce after his little airplane accident. Meanwhile, Nel Nelligton opens the door to her own home, scattering leprechauns about to primp and preen the greens of her garden. In her light lime green hands she carries a potted tumbler containing the liquid loving form of Something Gross. He will have to stay there until he can be filtered down into the sewers beneath his Irish rose's growing green house, conversing with Nel about the building of a proper backyard bog.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Father: *opens one eye, then stands up carefully and dusts self off* What a strange thing...I feel strange...like something terrable has just happened...and like...I fancy a cup of...freashy brewed...coffee!


Back at sea...

Hevej: Chocolate may be nice, but candy is dandy and liquor is quicker! Hand me my cointro and rum girl. Get off my waters! *shakes fist*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Bon-bon bomb cannonball is fired, exploding in a chocolate mess aboard the deck of Hebbage's ship.

Licchor may be quicker, but it makes yer liver shiver... And yer drink makes ye stink, like the scumdun out of London!
Join the chocolate pirates today!