*The door to the headmaster's office is shut. A cloaked figure wearing a large pointed wizard's hat pauses outside the door. In one hand is a paisley-brocade carpet back. In the other is a long, elegant wand. It is waved lazily through the air while a discreet little incantation in murmured--a lovely little piece of magic. Lovely--and quite ineffectual. The door does not open. A less discreet incantation is murmured, and the wand-waving becomes a bit less lazy, and a bit more harried. The door lurches and bumps but, alas, does not open. The carpet bag is put down. The sleeves of the robe are rolled up, and the wand-waving and the incantation are both terrifying and grand. With a meek little sputter, the door swings open. The figure picks up the carpet bag and walks inside. Marielle Wasperwish Featheringill has arrived.*
Well now--that wasn't a very good beginning was it?
*Looks around the sparsely furnished office resignedly. Sighs. Begins to wave wand about in what seems to be a random pattern, but the room is gradually changed to be comfortable, cluttered, and a little fussy--just like the owner of the wand.*
There--that's better now. I wonder if my mail has been forward yet?
*Mail rains unceremoniously down on her head, setting her pointed hat askew.*
(Takes her hat off and looks up to the unseen mail deliverers) Not funny! Put it on the desk, in the "in" box next time if you don't want to be turned into a luna moth!
*Settles herself and begins to go through the mail. Wand waves and a cup of foaming tea appears at her elbow, which she sips distractedly.*
Thank heaven--the new student files. I've simply got to get up to speed on the new students before--what's this? Oh--I know that name. In fact, I know that face. (Looks at next application) Oh my--there's more than one of them--twins, I think, and if they're anything like their mother.... (continues reading) Or their father.... (Looks at forms suspiciously. Holds one, then the other, up to the light.) Hmmm--I smell a little fishy magic, here. (Waves wand over papers to reveal the series of crossed out and re-crossed out application information.) Well--it looks as though the parents can't agree. No matter--lets have a looksee at the students. Hmmm.... Oh. Oh, dear, I don't suppose.... Hmmm. Not a good sign. Ah--she'll bear some watching. (Sighs. Takes glasses off nose and rubs nose wearily.) There's no doubt about it--the world won't be safe to live in if we don't get those twins here--and pronto! We've got a lot of work to do....
Toady! I need you!