Father: *opens drawers, cupboards, and hunts everywhere except on his desk and for any messages from management, finding none* That's curious...
Deep, spooky voice: Even curiouser, where are is the coffee?
Father: Good thinking...where is the coffee? And where is Suzan?
Deep, spooky voice: Try on your desk...
Father: Why would Suzan be on my desk?
Deep, spooky voice: Not Suzan you fool!
Father: Why would coffee be on my desk? Unless I spilt it, and I've not even been here for days...
Deep, spooky voice: Oh for Pete's sake there's a note on your desk!
Father: Oh, thanks. *finds* "Dear Moppet, etc, Wilson's has been taken over agressively. Suzan is being held captive, and so is the coffee, and the management. We need you to do our dirty work, or they will never be released. That is all. Man with spooky voice." - *mutters* Well...I don't even like coffee...