The Loud House Thread


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Welp, it's official: TLH has been renewed for Season 6, and even before Season 5 has even begun airing.

What do you bet this show will end up becoming another Rugrats and SpongeBob, where Nick will continue to milk it long after its gone stale? Especially since we also have a Netflix movie and a live-action Christmas TV movie coming up? I've even heard unconfirmed rumors that Chris Savino was wanting to end the show before it got to this point.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Welp, it's official: TLH has been renewed for Season 6, and even before Season 5 has even begun airing.

What do you bet this show will end up becoming another Rugrats and SpongeBob, where Nick will continue to milk it long after its gone stale? Especially since we also have a Netflix movie and a live-action Christmas TV movie coming up? I've even heard unconfirmed rumors that Chris Savino was wanting to end the show before it got to this point.
Yeah it's going to become the next FOP and/or Spongebob.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I at least give the writers credit for actually developing the characters and giving them arcs, which you don't see happening in animated series aimed at kids very often - that is at least keeping things interesting, but there's still room for more improvement: they really need to do more with some of the more under-developed characters, like Lucy, for example - she only got two episodes this past season; others like Lori, Lynn, and Lana had upward of live five and six.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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WOW! I haven't seen a kids cartoon get away with showing characters as embryos since SECRET SQUIRREL on 2 STUPID DOGS!


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Welp, it's official: TLH has been renewed for Season 6, and even before Season 5 has even begun airing.

What do you bet this show will end up becoming another Rugrats and SpongeBob, where Nick will continue to milk it long after its gone stale? Especially since we also have a Netflix movie and a live-action Christmas TV movie coming up? I've even heard unconfirmed rumors that Chris Savino was wanting to end the show before it got to this point.
The fact that we already have a spin off when the show wasn’t even four yet says enough.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Wow, this fandom really is toxic. I got banned from the Loud House Wiki for "causing drama" and "complaining," which is something the actual staff does, especially one mod in particular who does nothing but complain about how much she hates this character, or how much she hates that episode, or how much she hates the whole show, while complaining about nobody respecting her opinions despite how she lashes out and feuds with members who don't agree with her. It'd be like if a certain Disney-loving manbaby was a mod here on MC and he banned any of us for complaining about Disney.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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A lot of people are really wanting Steve Carell to play Mr. Loud in the live action movie, but I really don't see what would be wrong with Brian Stepanek actually reprising the live action role, he does kind of look like Mr. Loud:

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I first saw some Loud House back in 2017, thought it was decent but didn’t watch that often. But these past few months I have watched the show regularly and been more into the show. It is a great show. I’m glad this thread exists.

Of course with all of their names beginning with “L”, it can be hard to remember which one is which (and it seems some of them have real similar names).

I went through every page in this thread, was surprised to see that the parents faces originally did not show. I guess, despite watching it somewhat regularly now, I have a lot of catching up to do.

Actually, while I have been watching it a lot, there’s only one episode I have seen multiple times, the Halloween-ish episode where spooky things happen when the oldest starts a golf school.

I haven’t seen many episodes of The Cassagrande’s, don’t really feel interested in it (though I could change my mind if I watch more episodes). But I caught an episode and picked up on Sonia Manzano doing one of the voices (and was trying to remember if I knew that already).

The Loud House is the best Nickelodeon series in years.