The King of Y


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
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Does anyone remember this old rarely seen skit from the 70s?

Bob tells the story of the King of Y. The king, who was light purple with a white mustache and holding a scepter with a capital Y on it, voiced by Frank Oz, made an announcement. He would give a guy his daughter's hand in marraige if someone could answer his Y questions. (Can't remember what the daughter looks like though.)

First a blue guy came into the palace. The king asked, "What day before today starts with the letter Y?" and the guy asked, "Tomorrow?" The king became disgusted with him and had the poor guy banished from his castle. One by one, none of the guys who entered could answer the king's question.

Then a loud fan fare was heard causing the king to shout, "YIKES!" And in stepped a YOUNG YOUTH who looked and sounded like Farley. He said he would answer the king's questions. The king asked, "What day before today starts with the letter Y?" and the youth answered, "YESTERDAY!"

The king was impressed and then asked the youth, "What's your favorite thing to eat that starts with Y?" The youth answered, "YAMS, they're YUMMY!" And the king became happy and the youth won the hand of the princess. And Bob ended the story saying, "They were happy for many YEARS, and YEARS, and YEARS, and YEARS..."


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2004
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One of the other questions asked by the king was "What is the opposite of old?" The marriage candidate that was asked to answered "middle aged?". Of course, the answer the king was fishing for was "young", though "new" was just as plausible if not starting with Y.

Remember that other Y sketch, involving a female letter Y named Yetta? A boy fed her yogurt and yams. One day he tried to feed her a yo-yo, since it also starts with Y. She promptly spit the yo-yo out (yuck!) bouncing the yo-yo off the boy's head.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2004
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I always liked the 'King of Y' sketch', the daughter was hilarious!

'I'm so bored I could YELL!!!!'

It was also funny how the king would get so disgusted when none of the words the citizens would say began with a Y.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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In a word... yeh... no, don't remember this one. Then again, it could've been from before my time. The one story about a kingdom tied to a letter I do remember is... the one relating to the letter K. It was this king who ordered his subjects to gather all things starting with the letter K at the palace? Not sure.
Anyway, Xerus and others who remember this sketch, if you could, get all the characters who appeared and please submit them for addition to the Muppet Listing. You can either do so here or send them to me via E-mail or PM so as not to overtake this thread.
Thanks, and hope to hear from someone soon.