The Jim Henson Hour's 20th anniversary


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bad time slot, little to no publicity or advertisements for it... basically giving it shoddy treatment throughout.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Bad time slot, little to no publicity or advertisements for it... basically giving it shoddy treatment throughout.
There were two commercial breaks for the show during the original broadcast of Sesame Street: 20 and Still Counting, and watching the epsiodes on youtube, it seems that there was usually a promo for next weeks show before Jim Henson's closing.

Dog City and Song of the Clod Forest were both taken down. I read on that users channel that it was due to copyright claims by The Jim Henson Company. However, considering that The StoryTeller, Lighthouse Island, and Monster Maker are all still online, I think it might have been HIT! that was responsible for the clips eing taken down. However, it would be great if the closing credits for the Health and Fitness epsiode would be uploaded again.

It is great watching the show on youtube, though I would very much like to have the show on a commercial DVD. I don't really like the introductions that the user puts before them... I just want to get to the program, and if I just clik on that time thing I have to guess where it starts the show, and sometiems have to go back.