Wow, thanks for answering my questions! Quick supplemental:
Re: guest stars- were there any stars you worked with on the movies who wanted to do the show that you know of? The stars who cameoed in the movies but weren't on the show were the following (hope I can remember the list in it's entirety): Elliott Gould, Carol Kane, Telly Savalas, Orson Welles, Charles Durning, Robert Morley, Peter Falk (strangely uncredited in the movie), Jack Warden, Gregory Hines, Joan Rivers, Dabney Coleman, and Art Carney. Speaking of Art Carney, he worked with you guys in the Great Santa Claus Switch as well (he'd have been the only Best Actor Oscar winner on TMS had he guested on it). And of course Lily Tomlin was in the Muppets go to the Movies and Dick Van Dyke and Johnny Mathis took part in the party The Muppets Go Hollywood.
Okay, so the short question got a little long. Boils down to this: did any stars you worked with in other projects ever express interest in being on the show but never made it onto the show?
What were these rumors about a new children's show called "Uncle Deadly's House of Weirdness"? The rumor came out a year or two ago but so far obviously nothing has materialized. Can you shed any light on whether or not the project in development even exists? If so, this is wonderful news, as Uncle Deadly is a cult favorite with us Muppet fans and if brought back could probably gain a large following. He was such a cool character. I wish he had been kept on; he disappeared halfway through the 3rd season of TMS.
One other quick question- ever read any fan fiction on the forum or the site? (Most of it's on the forum). For fun some of us write outlines of Muppet Shows that never were; TravellingMatt, another member of the Michigan contingent, has written the most by far. Nobody has written a Soupy Sales outline, but there was a Paul McCartney one a while ago. Sometimes they're a bit anachronisitc as fans like to incorporate newer characters in, and Matt in particular likes having the Fraggles drop in on the Muppet theater (though he has yet to use my suggestion of having Traveling Matt exploring it

Hope all is well. Take care.
David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole