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The International Muppet Show


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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Yeah. Thog wasn't seen in anything other than TMS. Wasn't he played by Dave Goelz and Steve Whitemire? Both of them are still around to perform him. That is strange that they'd keep Sweetums around, but not Thog.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Thog was primarily performed by Jerry Nelson. You may be thinking of Timmy Monster, who was performed by Dave in the Bernadette Peters episode, and then Steve performed him in the Carol Channing show. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2002
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IIRC, Steve performed Thog in the Loretta Swit TMS, and I've got a photo of Dave suiting up as Thog knocking about somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Thog was also in The Great Santa Claus Switch and The Muppets Valentine Show.

They just didnt use him regular enough to rebuild him, Look how many appearances Sweetums would make and still makes compared to Thog.

but if they are going to rebuild Thog, Ill be happy !

Alex the picture you are thinking of is Dave in the Timothy Monster suit with Thog next to him, Its from The Art Of The Muppets.

see ya



Hi to all! Let me try to clear up a couple of things. Thog was first seen in "The Great Santa Claus Switch" ( an Ed Sullivan Production or his son-in-law). He was teamed with another big suit monster named Thig, who was performed by Frank Oz (the monster who gave flat feet. Frank never again did a body-suit monster).Thog did appear in the Valentine show and sang to her and danced with her to "A Real Iive Girl" I think prior to that we did a stage show with Nancy Sinatra in Las Vegas. A six week stint in the show which also starred Frank Sinatra Jr., and once champion boxer Sugar Ray Robinson. Frank Oz and I also did the Boss Men in a dance with Nancy (the Boss men were the huge feather creatures,the head and torso were on a pole that fit into a flag carring rig around the waist, our feet were in their feet and their arms were worked with long bamboo poles)

Now, To address " was it hot in the big-suit monsters." In a word, YES! they were hot and heavy though Jim and the builders did their best to keep all materials light and at a minimum. The rigs sat on our shoulders in a kind of front and back over the shoulders. padded bent metal harnesses that were belted to give them stability. This also left one arm free to manipulate the left arm of the puppet and the right arm free to deal with the mouth and eyes. I seem to remember some sort of spring rig to give the arms life when both hands were needed elsewhere.

Steve did Thog in the Loretta Lynn show but I think it was the only time.Ask Steve next time you see him. Dave ? I don't remember Dave doing Thog but me not remembering something doesn't mean it didn't happen

Nice winter we're having, huh?

I just returned from a trip to the Galapagos.I am exausted.

My Best to you all,

Hey! how come none of my characters are in the smilies?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by Twiddlebug
Thog was first seen in "The Great Santa Claus Switch" ( an Ed Sullivan Production or his son-in-law). He was teamed with another big suit monster named Thig, who was performed by Frank Oz
Thig looks like Sweetums - Don't you think? :big_grin:


Speaking of "Muppet Monsters" can you tell me how Sweetums operated? - I know it's Richard inside the suite and he controlled the mouth, But it's his eyes i'm curious about

See ya


Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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I'm sure he probably can, since Thog's eyes also move (assuming that's what you're referring to).

I think it's by remote control. If not, it's some sort of internal mechanism. But I think it's remote control.

Btw, I'm pretty sure Steve only performed Thog in the Loretta Swit ep, as per the picture in Of Muppets and Men.

Twiddlebug Thanks much for answering that question of mine. What did you mean by "monster who gave flat feet" when you said Frank performed Thig?

One other quick question: do you ever read any of the fan fiction on the forum and the site? If so, whaddya think?

Thanks. Hope all is well. Hope you had fun in Galapagos.

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole