Lol, this is shocking, but today my friend and I bought one of them Tab drinks each. They're pretty uncommon here, so we were like, "whoa! Exotic!"
Anyway, we had them back at my house afterwards. My mum was like, "I haven't had one of them for about 30 odd years! How old is it?" I replied, "I'm not sure, but it tastes pretty decent. Kinda like old Coke... that's been out in the sun fer too long"

D) Afterwards, just out of curiosity, I checked dout the date on the can... it was from 1993! Seriously, I honestly think that's when it was made, and I was just drinking it! I asked my mum, "hey... just out of interest, if a soft drink was... uh... 16 years old, let's just say, is it okay to drink?" and my mum goes, "Probably not, no. A few years, maybe. Why?" XP