MrsPepper said:
Connection 4: Hosted SNL alot, which featured the gorch muppets. (I don't know for sure if he did a show that they were on, though. Most likely)
Steve Martin first hosted Saturday Night Live during the secodn season, after the muppets had stopped appearing on the show. The muppets only appeared regularly during the first season. The last time the Gorch muppets appeared on SNL was in the secodn season premier, hosted by Lilly Thomlin. The muppets didn't appear on the show again untill december 2004, with guest host Robert DeNiro.
Anyway, here is a connection:
Steve Martin was in Little Shop of Horrors, which was directed by muppet performer Frank Oz, included on-screen cameos by Jim Hensosn daughter, Heather Henson, and puppet builder Mak Wilson, nd also featured many Henson puppeteers (including Brian Henson) operating Audrey II.