Have you ever wondered if the term "timeless" is ever taken out of context when used to refer to something? Like when a movie or a television series uses the term "timeless" to describe it, in what sense of the word is it being used for? It seems like the most common "definition" of using the term "timeless" in such a manner is that it's something that is beloved by audiences from generation to generation, that people seem to never get tired of, or wants it to go away. However, there seems to be another way of using the term "timeless" by some filmmakers and such, like John Hughes regarding Home Alone, in saying he wanted the film to be "timeless" in that, no matter how many years from when it was made, it would never look "dated" and always feel like it takes place in the present day, no matter what year you watch it in, and I'm sure a number of other filmmakers have tried to take that approach.