The guy who lived in Fozzie's finger

RockSTAR girl

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2003
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i dont think hes become dumb... i just think they may have been making him a little more child- likeable to give the kids sumthin to laugh about.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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Originally posted by WiGgY
I think he just can't do the work anymore. When I've seen Frank perform Fozzie in his later years it looked sloppy. I think he may have some arthritis in his hands. That is a killer to a puppetteer.
maybe...fozzie is a big puppet to opperate compared to someone like kermit..


Super Scooter

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Dec 17, 2002
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I know Frank has some problem with his hands. I wish he would come back though.

Oh, well. He's real busy with directing and everything. Maybe if he directed the next Muppet movie like he wants to he'll do the puppeteering for that. Really miss him, but you have to understand, he isn't thirty years old anymore! Puppeteering is such a strain on the back, the arms... everything! It's gotta be hard for him! And then having to hear complaints about him not being there (I'm not saying anyone on here is complaining, but I have heard some people who do complain), it's gotta be rough!

Do I even have to mention Jim Henson's death? That alone would make me want to never come back. I feel sorry for Frank.


We miss you, Frank! Hope to meet you in person someday!


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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I'm not sure I would want Frank to come back at this point. Nothing againts him. I mean he is a great performer, but his characters have already been handed off. If we keep bringing him in and out of muppet projects as a performer, we would constantly compare his Fozzie to the new Fozzie. I think it should be a clean break.

It's so odd. I think this is the first time that someone's characters have been handed to someone else while the original person was still alive. I know in the first season of the Muppet Show characters went back and forth but this is different. I think we should just accept that he isn't going to do his characters anymore and try to embrace the new performers. The voices are pretty darn good. Closer than any other muppets that have been taken over.

I would love it if Frank had a lot of input as to how his characters were used and developed, but I don't want him back and then gone. :frown:


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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I don't know. Let's use this comparison. Casey Kasem stopped performing the voice Shaggy on Scooby-Doo for the direct-to-video movies, but he returned to do the voice on the new series. (Sorry, Punk, I know you don't like the show, but I thought I'd use this as an example.) So Frank Oz coming back is a possibility, maybe when he has more time. Of course, his replacements aren't bad. (Well except for whoever it was that performed Animal in the Mastercard commercial. That one needs work.)

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Mr. Bimbo (or whatever) I think was just a gag they threw in. It was funny.

I think we can notice that during the absence of Oz, Fozzie (and the other characters) really played almost non-existent roles. For example, the short roles of Fozzie et al in MTI, MCC, and MFS (With the exception of Piggy and Animal).

MTI--Fozzie was kind of classic behavior Fozzie playing a "ROLE," so it's unfair to say Fozzie was made to be stupid here, as he was 'playing' dumb, see?

MCC, MFS--Fozzie was there only a few minutes. Why? No Oz.

Never saw any Muppets Tonight stuff, so I can't say how Fozzie was on those.

Since TMS and the first 3 Muppet movies, I think Fozzie in IAVMMCM was the most original behaving Fozzie, at least since the absence of Oz.

I'm really not that worried anymore about Frank's being gone. I think the transition has gone over smoothly (taken too long to be done) and that the characters are fairly well voiced dead-on, and will improve with time. I'm sorry Frank had to make the decisions he had to make regarding the Muppets, but to each his own.

Currently, I'm more worried about the status of Jerry Nelson's health and his characters!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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Just a few notes there. I can tell just by listening to the voice Fozzie was done by Oz in MTI. Also, he had to have done at least a little bit of Fozzie in MFS, because he receives credit for that. Also, I think I heard that Frank did all his characters the whole time on MCC. I do have to agree that MTI was the biggest movie role Fozzie had in the post-Henson era. He also had a pretty big role in the new Christmas movie, although he wasn't performed by Frank there. About Muppet's Tonight. Fozzie didn't have quite as many appearances there as on the original Muppet Show, but he did pop in a few sketches every now and then. I don't know if it was Frank performing him there or not.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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I think Frank did the voice of his characters in MFS but none of the actual performing. Someone else did the voices and then Frank went back and dubbed them over. In the trailer for the dvd you can hear the non frank voices. I don't think Eric did MFS so that's probably why Frank dubbed the characters.

Frank definatly did MCC and MTI. I'm surprised Fozzie had so little screen time because Frank did his other characters with more screen time. I think they also used MCC as a test for a new piggy. The pig twins were probably used to see who would take over Piggy. Not sure who did them though.

On Muppets Tonight, Frank definatly did the voices. I think he may have performed Piggy but I think Fozzie was mostly voice over stuff. I think frank can still work Piggy but Fozzie is too big a puppet.

By far, AVMMC had the best Fozzie in the post henson era. Too bad frank didn't perform him. It would have been great to have Frank do an in character Fozzie one more time. But Eric does a great job so I'm not dissappointed or anything.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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I think Frank did the voice of his characters in MFS but none of the actual performing. Someone else did the voices and then Frank went back and dubbed them over. In the trailer for the dvd you can hear the non frank voices. I don't think Eric did MFS so that's probably why Frank dubbed the characters.
Yeah. That's what I thought. They wouldn't give Frank credit for something he didn't do. And I agree that Eric's Fozzie's really good. Same with his Miss Piggy. Now, if they could just find a better voice for Animal or Sam the Eagle...


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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whoever did animal in the tv christmas was great..animal sounded like for sam the eagle..maybe henson will host auditions for someone to take over him!!!!..sorry kevin clash!!!!
