You guys have inspired me to try to lose some weight!
I'll have some difficulty as everyone does.
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 200 lbs
Waist: 39"
Hips: 46"
Chest (against ribcage): 37 1/4"
Chest (Over chest): 44"
Upper Arm: 13 1/2"
Head Circumfrence: 21 1/4"
XD I have a HUGE head don't I? I just measured this stuff just a few minutes ago. Why I included so much is because that's what my Doctor looks at normally, I figured it might give a great idea of how I'm like. (Actually why I am posting all this stuff, it seems stupid.) I'm also trying to get a breast reduction, so it's impertive that I lose weight. That and my body can't seem to do well with this little bit of excess weight. Oh well.