The Great Gonzo the Great


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
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Saironi said:
It's true the earlier Gonzo was best described as a twerp or a geek. He was always whiny and bratty like a little kid determined that others should see things his own way, such as him being an artist. It's most likely he started out small with acts like growing tomatoes and eating tires in an attempt to gain acceptance, no matter what he said, as he tells Kermit that he has "fans", then says "I don't play for the masses". Gonzo sort of also bought into Scooter's idea of being a female impersonator. In other words, he didn't do much thinking on what the auidience might like to see for himself, as to why his acts were such failures.

In season 2, Gonzo seemed to become more self-confident and seemed to gain a bit more respect from the auidence from acts like catching a cannonball, regardless of how much Floyd and Fozzie picked on him. From the start, Gonzo always, deep down, felt hurt and like a failure when booed offstage, indicating that he himself didn't have much confidence in himself, but during season 2 and beyond, seemingly discovering how interesting wierd things could be, Gonzo started actually enjoying his "art" with a wild zeal and persisted no matter what anyone said fullheartedly, often recruiting those willing, seeming to make him more self confident.

That's my analysis on his character development.
Also, giving Gonzo a chicken girlfriend, Camilla, seemed to help his self esteem a lot too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2003
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Let's not forget, Camilla WAS in Muppet Wizard of Oz; as Gonzo's girlfriend too :big_grin:

golden teeth

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2005
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Camilla was mentioned in IAVMMCM. At the end when they are going to sing carols he says, "Come on Camilla." Plus in MWoO Camilla was at the end of that. However Gonzo has gooten less wierd. :concern:

Kimp the Shrimp

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2004
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This funny because i watched The Muppets Family Christmas and just started to HATE gonzo . i never really liked the character maybe as a MUPPET BABIE but i'll have to watch that again to really see it just has bee bothering me today.

i was going to post a "I Think i HATE Gonzo" Thread but i sww this


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2002
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Kimp the Shrimp said:
This funny because i watched The Muppets Family Christmas and just started to HATE gonzo . i never really liked the character maybe as a MUPPET BABIE but i'll have to watch that again to really see it just has bee bothering me today.

i was going to post a "I Think i HATE Gonzo" Thread but i sww this
Blasphemy! I love Gonzo in all his many forms.....