Fluffernutters, pez, baklava! since when has this become a food fight!
I guess I am alone then arent I.....
am I truly the only one out there fighting for my cause...
I hope that I have not let anyone down.
So many of you...well, maybe 4 of you really believed in the UF. I ...I... well... I have a confession...
I dropped clues to this all along....I knew all the lyrics to the theme song...
I knew every character, and the actress that played her...
I EVEN MENTIONED STAN, Dorothy's Ex Husband....
How would I know all about this?? How would someone who hates the golden girls sooo much , know all of this information.
OK! OK! I admit it.... I secretly watch them OK! I secretly Love the Golden Girls!! I always Have... But I have been afraid to admit it. I saw an oppertunity to have a battle and I took it... and now, this must be done....
*Kye, Having realized defeat, kneels down before the GMMC and peacefully surrenders*
Dont, you see....By making you fight to defend the GMMC, I helped you all to realize just how much you enjoyed it!
Arent we all better off having fought the Great Golden Girls War!
Or should we all still have a food fight, just because its fun!!!