I also don't like it when religious groups are judgemental and don't respect different views and beliefs. The thing is, again, I see this from Athiests too. And from what I've read of Pullman, I see it from him as well. And I'm not going to excuse him because religion is imperfect. Everything is imperfect.
When we have a problem with something in this world, we try to fix it. We don't reject everything's that good about something simply because there is also bad.
I don't mind that Pullman is an Athiest. I can understand and respect that. But from what I've seen, he is not doing the same for religious people in his books.
Frogboy, I understand what you mean about "love your enemies", and I'm truely sorry you have been treated badly by some people who don't want tolerance or understanding. It's just that some religious people can be trusted, and Pullman's work does not seem to take that into account. He is
not preaching tolerance and understanding. And those are two things I want too.
This has been a really good discussion, btw. I should see the film, so I know for sure what I'm talking about, lol. But, I will most likely rent it. I want there to be more respect and understanding in this world for everybody, and I'm just not seeing it from this movie.